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Data management
Office applications
Collaboration software
Graphic / Multimedia
Operating systems
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- Desktop Displays
- ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-001-1711781060267.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTY5MDcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5URXpMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qVXhNMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE1UYzRNVEEyTURJMk55NXFjR2N8Mjg1NjM5MDUyYjcyNTFiMzBiNjY1YWMxMmY2OThlODhkMzJkNjdkYjBjMWIyNzZiYTA5YTIwZTk3MzcxODdkMg)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-002-1739217740110.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQyMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEl4TnpjME1ERXhNQzUzWldKd3w2Yjg5ZmE4NjIxN2Y3N2QzZDU1OWVhMmIxNzhhZDAxNjZjZDAxMjZiMWU2NjllMzJkYzM1YzAyNzAxYzZlZGI5)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-003-1738569257963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY0NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRFUyT1RJMU56azJNeTUzWldKd3xlOTU3YmE1M2ZlYjNmYTFlNjViZTk2OTM2MDc4MDFiNTkwYmY3N2Y5M2VmMDBjOGY0OGQ2NzdjMjlmY2E0ODYx)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-004-1738566597370.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEyNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpVNU56TTNNQzUzWldKd3xhMGI3NmNmOTI3MWE2ZDIwMTIwZDFkODkyODQxMWYyNmM2MTBlNGFjMzcyZTMxYjUwNzVjN2Y5MjczNmRkOThl)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-005-1738566600124.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEwOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01ERXlOQzUzWldKd3wzZjQyMzJjNDA3NmY0YzQwNzZmMDhlMWUxZDYwNjIzYmViOWY2NGNhNzlhNTM5MGM2NGNhOTBmM2JhNjc3MWQ2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-006-1738566602534.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Njc1NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01qVXpOQzUzWldKd3w5ZDRjZDAyNTVhNmQ5MGNjZjUxZDQxYTIwZTViZjk3MDE4M2VhNWYyZjQ5Y2QwMjc3ZTQ2OGEwZDBlNmFkNzY2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-001-1711781060267.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTY5MDcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5URXpMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qVXhNMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE1UYzRNVEEyTURJMk55NXFjR2N8Mjg1NjM5MDUyYjcyNTFiMzBiNjY1YWMxMmY2OThlODhkMzJkNjdkYjBjMWIyNzZiYTA5YTIwZTk3MzcxODdkMg)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-002-1739217740110.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQyMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEl4TnpjME1ERXhNQzUzWldKd3w2Yjg5ZmE4NjIxN2Y3N2QzZDU1OWVhMmIxNzhhZDAxNjZjZDAxMjZiMWU2NjllMzJkYzM1YzAyNzAxYzZlZGI5)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-003-1738569257963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY0NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRFUyT1RJMU56azJNeTUzWldKd3xlOTU3YmE1M2ZlYjNmYTFlNjViZTk2OTM2MDc4MDFiNTkwYmY3N2Y5M2VmMDBjOGY0OGQ2NzdjMjlmY2E0ODYx)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-004-1738566597370.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEyNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpVNU56TTNNQzUzWldKd3xhMGI3NmNmOTI3MWE2ZDIwMTIwZDFkODkyODQxMWYyNmM2MTBlNGFjMzcyZTMxYjUwNzVjN2Y5MjczNmRkOThl)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-005-1738566600124.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEwOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01ERXlOQzUzWldKd3wzZjQyMzJjNDA3NmY0YzQwNzZmMDhlMWUxZDYwNjIzYmViOWY2NGNhNzlhNTM5MGM2NGNhOTBmM2JhNjc3MWQ2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-006-1738566602534.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Njc1NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01qVXpOQzUzWldKd3w5ZDRjZDAyNTVhNmQ5MGNjZjUxZDQxYTIwZTViZjk3MDE4M2VhNWYyZjQ5Y2QwMjc3ZTQ2OGEwZDBlNmFkNzY2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-001-1711781060267.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTY5MDcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5URXpMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qVXhNMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE1UYzRNVEEyTURJMk55NXFjR2N8Mjg1NjM5MDUyYjcyNTFiMzBiNjY1YWMxMmY2OThlODhkMzJkNjdkYjBjMWIyNzZiYTA5YTIwZTk3MzcxODdkMg)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-002-1739217740110.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQyMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEl4TnpjME1ERXhNQzUzWldKd3w2Yjg5ZmE4NjIxN2Y3N2QzZDU1OWVhMmIxNzhhZDAxNjZjZDAxMjZiMWU2NjllMzJkYzM1YzAyNzAxYzZlZGI5)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-003-1738569257963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY0NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRFUyT1RJMU56azJNeTUzWldKd3xlOTU3YmE1M2ZlYjNmYTFlNjViZTk2OTM2MDc4MDFiNTkwYmY3N2Y5M2VmMDBjOGY0OGQ2NzdjMjlmY2E0ODYx)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-004-1738566597370.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEyNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpVNU56TTNNQzUzWldKd3xhMGI3NmNmOTI3MWE2ZDIwMTIwZDFkODkyODQxMWYyNmM2MTBlNGFjMzcyZTMxYjUwNzVjN2Y5MjczNmRkOThl)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-005-1738566600124.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEwOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01ERXlOQzUzWldKd3wzZjQyMzJjNDA3NmY0YzQwNzZmMDhlMWUxZDYwNjIzYmViOWY2NGNhNzlhNTM5MGM2NGNhOTBmM2JhNjc3MWQ2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-006-1738566602534.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Njc1NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01qVXpOQzUzWldKd3w5ZDRjZDAyNTVhNmQ5MGNjZjUxZDQxYTIwZTViZjk3MDE4M2VhNWYyZjQ5Y2QwMjc3ZTQ2OGEwZDBlNmFkNzY2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-001-1711781060267.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTY5MDcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5URXpMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qVXhNMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE1UYzRNVEEyTURJMk55NXFjR2N8Mjg1NjM5MDUyYjcyNTFiMzBiNjY1YWMxMmY2OThlODhkMzJkNjdkYjBjMWIyNzZiYTA5YTIwZTk3MzcxODdkMg)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-002-1739217740110.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQyMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEl4TnpjME1ERXhNQzUzWldKd3w2Yjg5ZmE4NjIxN2Y3N2QzZDU1OWVhMmIxNzhhZDAxNjZjZDAxMjZiMWU2NjllMzJkYzM1YzAyNzAxYzZlZGI5)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-003-1738569257963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY0NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRFUyT1RJMU56azJNeTUzWldKd3xlOTU3YmE1M2ZlYjNmYTFlNjViZTk2OTM2MDc4MDFiNTkwYmY3N2Y5M2VmMDBjOGY0OGQ2NzdjMjlmY2E0ODYx)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-004-1738566597370.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEyNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpVNU56TTNNQzUzWldKd3xhMGI3NmNmOTI3MWE2ZDIwMTIwZDFkODkyODQxMWYyNmM2MTBlNGFjMzcyZTMxYjUwNzVjN2Y5MjczNmRkOThl)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-005-1738566600124.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEwOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01ERXlOQzUzWldKd3wzZjQyMzJjNDA3NmY0YzQwNzZmMDhlMWUxZDYwNjIzYmViOWY2NGNhNzlhNTM5MGM2NGNhOTBmM2JhNjc3MWQ2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-006-1738566602534.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Njc1NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01qVXpOQzUzWldKd3w5ZDRjZDAyNTVhNmQ5MGNjZjUxZDQxYTIwZTViZjk3MDE4M2VhNWYyZjQ5Y2QwMjc3ZTQ2OGEwZDBlNmFkNzY2)
Equipped with two identical USB Type-C ports, the monitor gives users indispensable Power Pass Through capability. That means they can power both the monitor and the laptop with a single power adapter, plugged into one port with a USB Type-C cable connected to the computer from the other port. Or they can simply power M15 from the laptop using just one USB Type-C connection. With safety ever in ThinkVision's minds, the M15 mobile monitor also comes equipped with TÜV Rheinland certified Low Blue Light technology, which protects users from eyestrain caused by certain frequencies of blue light. Simply turn it on with the press of a button.
Lighter. Slimmer. Winner
M15 does the heavy lifting of your productivity in a surprisingly light package. Just 860g1 and measuring no more than 6 mm through its head, this considerately crafted mobile monitor doubles users’ screen space with a 15.6-inch, In-Plane Switching panel, FHD display, the perfect resolution for a monitor of its size. With expanded screen real estate, work such as comparing detailed spreadsheets is made so much easier, multitasking is a breeze and colleagues or salespeople can mirror or extend their screen to give prospective clients a presentation on their own screen, face to face, even in public spaces. Thanks to M15’s integrated, fold-out stand with height adjustment, the monitor will raise up to align with a laptop for the most seamless user experience.
Stay in charge with Power Pass Through
M15 handles power with elegance and simplicity. Its true one-cable design solution means it can run off a single USB Type-C2 cable that delivers images, audio and data, as well as power, to the monitor from a connected laptop for supreme convenience on the road. But add to that its second, identical USB Type C2 port and its invaluable Power Pass Through function allows both the monitor and the laptop to be charged from a single USB Type-C2 power plug. On top of enjoying this convenient design for power, users can also connect flash disks, earphones or other compatible USB Type-C2 devices through the monitor’s second USB Type-C2 port when it’s not in use
XS size, XL UX
Taking M15 on the road may mean more hours of operation. With that in mind, it’s thoughtfully designed to care for users’ eyes by protecting them from eye fatigue and strain caused by harmful, high-energy blue-wavelength light. This is done with TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light certified technology that can be switched on in an instant and left on for as long as users choose. Thought has even been given to the unboxing experience, with newly designed, easy-opening packaging that takes just seconds to have the monitor in users’ hands. To keep its already modest weight down, M15’s protective sleeve is lightweight, modern and elegant. And it even mounts to the wall by a VESA 100 mm fixture for a more stable solution when users spend time in the office.
Product colour | Black |
Anti-glare screen | Y |
Backlight type | W-LED |
Display technology | LED |
Native aspect ratio | 16:9 |
Panel type | IPS |
Screen shape | Flat screen |
Display number of colours | 16.7 million colours |
RGB colour space | NTSC |
Contrast ratio (typical) | 1000:1 |
Contrast ratio (dynamic) | 3000000:1 |
Pixel pitch | 0.1793 x 0.1793 |
Viewable size, vertical | 344.16 mm |
Viewable size diagonal | 193.59 mm |
Display diagonal | 15.6 " |
Display resolution | 1920 x 1080 |
Viewing angle, horizontal | 178 deg |
Viewing angle, vertical | 178 deg |
Maximum refresh rate | 60 Hz |
Colour gamut | 45 % |
Response time (fast) | 6 ms |
Display brightness (typical) | 250 cd/m² |
HD type | Full HD |
Power consumption (typical) | 8 W |
Energy efficiency scale | A to G |
Energy efficiency class (SDR) | C |
Power consumption (standby) | 0.3 W |
Power consumption (max) | 9.5 W |
Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours | 8 kW.h |
Response time | 14 ms |
Package weight | 1,690 g |
Package depth | 75.9 mm |
Package width | 407.9 mm |
Package height | 279.9 mm |
Height (with stand) | 235.5 mm |
Depth (with stand) | 108.4 mm |
Width (with stand) | 360 mm |
Weight (with stand) | 860 g |
Cable lock slot type | Kensington |
Cable lock slot | Y |
VESA mounting | Y |
Height adjustment | Y |
Tilt angle range | 0 - 90 |
Height adjustment | 10 mm |
Built-in speaker(s) | No |
Certification | ENERGY STAR CCC RoHS TÜV |
Harmonized System (HS) code | 85285210 |
USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode | Y |
USB hub version | 2.0 / 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) |
USB upstream port type | USB Type-C |
USB Type-C downstream ports quantity | 1 |
Number of USB Type-C upstream ports quantity | 1 |
Built-in USB hub | Y |
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-001-1711781060267.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTY5MDcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5URXpMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qVXhNMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE1UYzRNVEEyTURJMk55NXFjR2N8Mjg1NjM5MDUyYjcyNTFiMzBiNjY1YWMxMmY2OThlODhkMzJkNjdkYjBjMWIyNzZiYTA5YTIwZTk3MzcxODdkMg)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-002-1739217740110.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQyMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEl4TnpjME1ERXhNQzUzWldKd3w2Yjg5ZmE4NjIxN2Y3N2QzZDU1OWVhMmIxNzhhZDAxNjZjZDAxMjZiMWU2NjllMzJkYzM1YzAyNzAxYzZlZGI5)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-003-1738569257963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY0NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRFUyT1RJMU56azJNeTUzWldKd3xlOTU3YmE1M2ZlYjNmYTFlNjViZTk2OTM2MDc4MDFiNTkwYmY3N2Y5M2VmMDBjOGY0OGQ2NzdjMjlmY2E0ODYx)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-004-1738566597370.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEyNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpVNU56TTNNQzUzWldKd3xhMGI3NmNmOTI3MWE2ZDIwMTIwZDFkODkyODQxMWYyNmM2MTBlNGFjMzcyZTMxYjUwNzVjN2Y5MjczNmRkOThl)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-005-1738566600124.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzEwOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01ERXlOQzUzWldKd3wzZjQyMzJjNDA3NmY0YzQwNzZmMDhlMWUxZDYwNjIzYmViOWY2NGNhNzlhNTM5MGM2NGNhOTBmM2JhNjc3MWQ2)
![ThinkVision M15 39.49cm (15.6") Display 1920x1080 Pixel 250 cd/m² 1000:1 6 ms Schwarz](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262513-image-006-1738566602534.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Njc1NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlOVEV6THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalV4TTE5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRFUyTmpZd01qVXpOQzUzWldKd3w5ZDRjZDAyNTVhNmQ5MGNjZjUxZDQxYTIwZTViZjk3MDE4M2VhNWYyZjQ5Y2QwMjc3ZTQ2OGEwZDBlNmFkNzY2)
Response time 14 ms
Display resolution 1920 x 1080
Contrast ratio (typical) 1000:1
Display brightness (typical) 250 cd/m²
Display diagonal 15.6 "
Product colour Black
Height adjustment Y
Built-in speaker(s) No
Equipped with two identical USB Type-C ports, the monitor gives users indispensable Power Pass Through capability. That means they can power both the monitor and the laptop with a single power adapter, plugged into one port with a USB Type-C cable connected to the computer from the other port. Or they can simply power M15 from the laptop using just one USB Type-C connection. With safety ever in ThinkVision's minds, the M15 mobile monitor also comes equipped with TÜV Rheinland certified Low Blue Light technology, which protects users from eyestrain caused by certain frequencies of blue light. Simply turn it on with the press of a button.
Lighter. Slimmer. Winner
M15 does the heavy lifting of your productivity in a surprisingly light package. Just 860g1 and measuring no more than 6 mm through its head, this considerately crafted mobile monitor doubles users’ screen space with a 15.6-inch, In-Plane Switching panel, FHD display, the perfect resolution for a monitor of its size. With expanded screen real estate, work such as comparing detailed spreadsheets is made so much easier, multitasking is a breeze and colleagues or salespeople can mirror or extend their screen to give prospective clients a presentation on their own screen, face to face, even in public spaces. Thanks to M15’s integrated, fold-out stand with height adjustment, the monitor will raise up to align with a laptop for the most seamless user experience.
Stay in charge with Power Pass Through
M15 handles power with elegance and simplicity. Its true one-cable design solution means it can run off a single USB Type-C2 cable that delivers images, audio and data, as well as power, to the monitor from a connected laptop for supreme convenience on the road. But add to that its second, identical USB Type C2 port and its invaluable Power Pass Through function allows both the monitor and the laptop to be charged from a single USB Type-C2 power plug. On top of enjoying this convenient design for power, users can also connect flash disks, earphones or other compatible USB Type-C2 devices through the monitor’s second USB Type-C2 port when it’s not in use
XS size, XL UX
Taking M15 on the road may mean more hours of operation. With that in mind, it’s thoughtfully designed to care for users’ eyes by protecting them from eye fatigue and strain caused by harmful, high-energy blue-wavelength light. This is done with TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light certified technology that can be switched on in an instant and left on for as long as users choose. Thought has even been given to the unboxing experience, with newly designed, easy-opening packaging that takes just seconds to have the monitor in users’ hands. To keep its already modest weight down, M15’s protective sleeve is lightweight, modern and elegant. And it even mounts to the wall by a VESA 100 mm fixture for a more stable solution when users spend time in the office.
Product colour | Black |
Anti-glare screen | Y |
Backlight type | W-LED |
Display technology | LED |
Native aspect ratio | 16:9 |
Panel type | IPS |
Screen shape | Flat screen |
Display number of colours | 16.7 million colours |
RGB colour space | NTSC |
Contrast ratio (typical) | 1000:1 |
Contrast ratio (dynamic) | 3000000:1 |
Pixel pitch | 0.1793 x 0.1793 |
Viewable size, vertical | 344.16 mm |
Viewable size diagonal | 193.59 mm |
Display diagonal | 15.6 " |
Display resolution | 1920 x 1080 |
Viewing angle, horizontal | 178 deg |
Viewing angle, vertical | 178 deg |
Maximum refresh rate | 60 Hz |
Colour gamut | 45 % |
Response time (fast) | 6 ms |
Display brightness (typical) | 250 cd/m² |
HD type | Full HD |
Power consumption (typical) | 8 W |
Energy efficiency scale | A to G |
Energy efficiency class (SDR) | C |
Power consumption (standby) | 0.3 W |
Power consumption (max) | 9.5 W |
Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours | 8 kW.h |
Response time | 14 ms |
Package weight | 1,690 g |
Package depth | 75.9 mm |
Package width | 407.9 mm |
Package height | 279.9 mm |
Height (with stand) | 235.5 mm |
Depth (with stand) | 108.4 mm |
Width (with stand) | 360 mm |
Weight (with stand) | 860 g |
Cable lock slot type | Kensington |
Cable lock slot | Y |
VESA mounting | Y |
Height adjustment | Y |
Tilt angle range | 0 - 90 |
Height adjustment | 10 mm |
Built-in speaker(s) | No |
Certification | ENERGY STAR CCC RoHS TÜV |
Harmonized System (HS) code | 85285210 |
USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode | Y |
USB hub version | 2.0 / 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) |
USB upstream port type | USB Type-C |
USB Type-C downstream ports quantity | 1 |
Number of USB Type-C upstream ports quantity | 1 |
Built-in USB hub | Y |