Waste electrical equipment take-back

"The crossed-out wheeled garbage can" sign means: electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed of with household waste.
CANCOM GmbH (CANCOM) has commissioned Interseroh to carry out the nationwide take-back of waste electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with § 17 ElektroG. For this purpose, Interseroh operates a nationwide network of take-back points where you can drop off discarded equipment free of charge. You are responsible for the deletion of personal data.

What electrical appliances can be returned:
Small appliances: (= no external appliance dimension larger than 25 cm) may be returned in household quantities to the take-back points.
Large appliances: (= at least one external device dimension larger than 25 cm) may be returned to the take-back points in an "old-for-new" exchange - this means: if you buy a new device from CANCOM, you may return one (1) old device that essentially fulfills the same functions as the new device to one of the take-back points, provided you can prove the purchase of the new device to the take-back point accordingly.
To provide this proof, please proceed as follows: Please submit your return request, specifying the type of device for the old device to be returned, together with a copy of the purchase invoice for the new device purchased here:
Interseroh will use the data you provide to check whether you are entitled to return an old device to one of the Interseroh take-back points. If this is the case, Interseroh will provide you, also by email, with a receipt containing at least the following information: Purchase date & device type of the new device, Interseroh contract number of the ordering party, Interseroh logo, possible return period.
With the issued receipt, you can now return your old equipment free of charge to one of the Interseroh take-back points in your area.

Please note:
If the receipt is missing, the collection point is not obliged to accept the old device! The collection point may refuse to accept WEEE that poses a risk to the health and safety of people due to contamination (see § 17 Para. 4 in conjunction with §13 Para. 5 ElektroG).