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- Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-001-1738563350998.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzQ0MDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RVMk16TTFNRGs1T0M1M1pXSnd8Yjk4NTYxY2EzODcyMDdhZDRkZjY3NjBjM2NhZjM5ZTdiOWI0ZmExNmUyM2FkOTdkM2MwNTcxYmRjZGM1NzRmZQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-002-1712009592710.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTg5ODYyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE1qQXdPVFU1TWpjeE1DNXFjR2N8NDAzNzY3NDdmZTFmYjBlOTkyNmU2Mzc3NjA1OTIwY2NiYzQ5ZWI4YmNhOWZiZjhlMTRhOGUwNWZlZTg4MzZmMQ)
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![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-005-1738781081314.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTAyOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16ZzRPREU1THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TTRPRGd4T1Y5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRGM0TVRBNE1UTXhOQzUzWldKd3wyM2RhYjlkNmZkYTA4ZDBhZTI5NjQzMDhjYzU2YTJhNGJiZmQ5MzliM2E1ZjA5NWZlNjJhODdlZjkxMWQ4N2Jj)
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![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-013-1712030184669.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc2ODA1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVE5mTVRjeE1qQXpNREU0TkRZMk9TNXFjR2N8NzlhZGE1OTE1ODE1Yzc1ZTNmNDliZGVkZGUwZjE4Zjg0ZGQ4MzNkNDAxZjI5ZWEyMGIyMGUxYjA3MDk0YjIxNw)
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![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-008-1738793228933.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzQ0NjR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RjNU16SXlPRGt6TXk1M1pXSnd8NTVhMDU1NDVhZjQyY2RlZDZhMTVjZmYxNzJiNGIxM2EyM2YzYTk4NTQ2Y2I2YzhlNDgxN2E4MjA2ZmRkMDgwOA)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-009-1738778063963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzAzOTh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RjM09EQTJNemsyTXk1M1pXSnd8Njc2OTRlMzFkN2JmYTg2NDU2ZjgzYmY2M2Q3YjNhMzU5YTA5YWY1ZDI4ZTBlNTYzMmFmZTg4N2Y1MzQ4NzMyYQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-010-1738793219794.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTIwOTJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T0RjNU16SXhPVGM1TkM1M1pXSnd8ZDUyZmZmYTYyNGIzNjRlZWFhOGNiNDAyYjY1Yjg0MzkxOWM2NWMwMjRmNzk4NjIyMDA0OGM3ODI3MTY2NjQxNg)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-011-1738793237838.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDM0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RjNU16SXpOemd6T0M1M1pXSnd8ZDAzOWQ4MzEzNmYwNWNlN2Y2MjE0ZmIwNWQ1YmJmNzI2NzcxMzViODM4N2Y5ZmNmMjY0MzdjYTRhYjVjNzdmMA)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-012-1738781088942.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RjNE1UQTRPRGswTWk1M1pXSnd8NzRlMzUzZGY1Y2IxNjg5YWNjOWMwZTNiZWZlY2EwMmU1YzY3NWJhN2I4OTAxNGRiN2I1NDQzNzk1MDcxY2RmNg)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-013-1712030184669.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc2ODA1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVE5mTVRjeE1qQXpNREU0TkRZMk9TNXFjR2N8NzlhZGE1OTE1ODE1Yzc1ZTNmNDliZGVkZGUwZjE4Zjg0ZGQ4MzNkNDAxZjI5ZWEyMGIyMGUxYjA3MDk0YjIxNw)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-014-1738778073765.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQ1NDB8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UUmZNVGN6T0RjM09EQTNNemMyTlM1M1pXSnd8ZThlZjhlMDkwZjgxMzUyMmIwZGNlYzQ2ZDZhZWViYjUwNjBlMWE2Yzk1MzAyZWY5NTdiMTY4OTM1OWEzNThiYQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-016-1738829904946.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTQwMjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UWmZNVGN6T0RneU9Ua3dORGswTmk1M1pXSnd8YmQ0ODQ0OTQ5ODUwOTQ1YWJmYzA1MTQ2ZjI0NTJhYWRmN2RiZTI4YjYyZGY0MTlmNDUzNmI2ZWJlZjkyYzI1ZQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-017-1713043539599.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTMxODg2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVGRmTVRjeE16QTBNelV6T1RVNU9TNXFjR2N8MDk0NDg5NWM1OGNlYmRmMzQ3Y2RjNDNhYTdhMTNmODIyMmI2MzA2NGQ0OTI2OTQwZDdlNmJhMWQ5NGY5MzE1Mw)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-018-1713086861682.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY0ODc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVGhmTVRjeE16QTROamcyTVRZNE1pNXFjR2N8NmQwNjk3ZjU1ODUyMTU3MDkwZjhlNjcyYzI2OThmM2IwZWE3M2RkNGQ3MjczZGRmN2FlMzNmNWU4YjYzNTZmYw)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-019-1712593949665.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTQ1MDYxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVGxmTVRjeE1qVTVNemswT1RZMk5TNXFjR2N8YmRmNzEzNGUyODRjMTY1YWEzZDBhNjQxY2FmNTIxZmQyMGMyMjk4NzE4YjQ5NTM1MTQ4YmNmNmY1YTI4NjA1YQ)
Product description
Integral features for performance, durability, and security
The HP ProBook 455 15-inch Laptop provides growing businesses with the commercial-grade performance, advanced multi-layered endpoint security, and durability in an easily upgradeable design. Powered by an AMD processor[2] and long battery life, this feature-rich PC is well-equipped for long-term productivity and helps enable hybrid work.
Optimized for hybrid work
Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments.[3]
Tested for durability
Passed 19 MIL-STD tests[6] for durability and easily serviceable—helping make the most of your IT investment.
Performance for growing business
Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest AMD CPU[2,4], long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage.
Windows 11
Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP's collaboration and connectivity technology.
HP Sure Sense
Malware is evolving rapidly and traditional antivirus can’t always recognize new attacks. Protect your PC against never-before-seen attacks with HP Sure Sense, which uses deep learning AI to provide exceptional protection against advanced malware.
Security is your top priority
The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition provides preconfigured enterprise-level PC protection for small and medium sized businesses. [1]
Fast and efficient wireless LAN
The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit-speed Wi-Fi 6. [7]
Browse confidently
Help protect your PC from websites and read only Microsoft Office and PDF attachments with embedded malware, ransomware, or viruses with hardware-enforced security from HP Sure Click. [8]
Work without interruption
Keep productivity high and downtime low with the fully integrated and automated features of the HP BIOSphere Gen6 firmware ecosystem. Your PCs have extra protection thanks to automatic updates and security checks. [9]
Speed up the basics of IT management
The HP Manageability Integration Kit helps speed up image creation and management of hardware, BIOS, and security through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. [10]
Connect your PC and mobile devices
Wirelessly transfer documents, photos and videos, notes, websites, addresses, and more between your mobile devices and your PC using the simple to use HP QuickDrop app. [11]
Protected by HP Wolf Security
HP Wolf Pro Security Edition PCs interlace HP Sure Click Pro with HP Sure Sense Pro providing more in-depth coverage than the standard versions through a 1-year or 3-year user license with HP Support.[5] This creates a powerful, single solution that doesn’t require an IT-managed PC environment.
[2] Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
[3] Requires myHP application and Windows OS.
[4] Optional feature that must be configured at the time of purchase.
[5] HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (including HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro) is available preloaded on select SKUs and, depending on the HP product purchased, includes a paid 1-year or 3-year license. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP Wolf Security Software - End-User license Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as that EULA is modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for either a twelve (12) month or thirty-six (36) month license term (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[6] MIL-STD testing is not intended to demonstrate fitness for U.S. Department of Defense contract requirements or for military use. Test results are not a guarantee of future performance under these test conditions. Accidental damage requires an optional HP Accidental Damage Protection Care Service.
[7] HP Wolf Security for Business requires Windows 10 and higher, includes various HP security features and is available on HP Pro, Elite, Workstation, and RPOS products. See product details for included security features and OS requirements.
[1] This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[7] Wireless access point and internet service required and sold separately. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6 is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. The specifications for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) are draft and are not final. If the final specifications differ from the draft specifications, it may affect the ability of the PC to communicate with other 802.11ax devices. Wi-Fi® supporting gigabit speeds is achievable with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) when transferring files between two devices connected to the same router. Requires a wireless router, sold separately, that supports 160MHz channels.
[8] HP Sure Click supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Chromium™. Supported attachments include Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and PDF files in read only mode, when Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat are installed.
[9] HP BIOSphere Gen6 requires Windows 10 and is available on select HP Pro and Elite PCs. Features may vary depending on the platform and configurations.
[10] HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement.
[11] Requires Internet access and Windows 10 PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
Technical specification disclaimers
Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows is automatically updated and enabled. High speed internet and Microsoft account required. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See http://www.windows.com.
This system is preinstalled with Windows 10 Pro software and also comes with a license for Windows 11 Pro software and provision for recovery software. You may only use one version of the Windows software at a time. Switching between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version. You must back up all data (files, photos, etc.) before uninstalling and installing operating systems to avoid loss of your data.
Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Processor speed denotes maximum performance mode; processors will run at lower speeds in battery optimization mode.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
For storage drives, GB = 1 billion bytes. TB = 1 trillion bytes. Actual formatted capacity is less. Up to 30 GB (for Windows 10 and 11) is reserved for system recovery software.
Wi-Fi 6E requires a Wi-Fi 6E router, and Windows 11, to function in the 6GHz band. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6E is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. And available in countries where Wi-Fi 6E is supported.
Miracast is a wireless technology your PC can use to project your screen to TVs, projectors, and streaming.
WWAN module is an optional feature, requires factory configuration and requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions, and other factors. 4G LTE not available on all products, in all regions.
SIM slot is not user accessible without WWAN configuration.
Backlit keyboard is an optional feature.
High-definition (HD) / Full high-definition (FHD) content required to view HD /FHD images.
Resolutions are dependent upon monitor capability, and resolution and color depth settings.
Actual brightness will be lower with touchscreen.
HP Support Assistant requires Windows and Internet access.
HP Quick Drop requires Internet access and Windows 10 or higher PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
HP Smart Support requires HP TechPulse to be installed. For more information about how to enable or to download HP Smart Support, please visit http://www.hp.com/smart-support .
HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www8.hp.com/us/en/ads/clientmanagement/overview.html .
HP Cloud Recovery is available for Z by HP, HP Elite and Pro desktops and laptops PCs with Intel® or AMD processors and requires an open, wired network connection. Note: You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Detail please refer to: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05115630 .
Absolute agent is shipped turned off, and will be activated when customers activate a purchased subscription. Subscriptions can be purchased for terms ranging multiple years. Service is limited, check with Absolute for availability outside the U.S. The Absolute Recovery Guarantee is a limited warranty. Certain conditions apply. For full details visit: http://www.absolute.com/company/legal/agreements/ computrace-agreement . Data Delete is an optional service provided by Absolute Software. If utilized, the Recovery Guarantee is null and void. In order to use the Data Delete service, customers must first sign a Pre-Authorization Agreement and either obtain a PIN or purchase one or more RSA SecurID tokens from Absolute Software.
HP Secure Erase: For the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Sure Click requires Windows 10 Pro or higher or Enterprise. See https://bit.ly/2PrLT6A_SureClick for complete details.
HP Sure Sense is available on select HP PCs with Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 11 Pro, or Windows 11 Enterprise OS.
HP Sure Run Gen5 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Recover Gen5 with Embedded Reimaging is an optional feature which requires Windows 10 and higher must be configured at purchase. You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Network based recovery using Wi-Fi is only available on PCs with Intel Wi-Fi Module.
HP Sure Start Gen7 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Admin requires Windows 10 or higher, HP BIOS, HP Manageability Integration Kit from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement and HP Sure Admin Local Access Authenticator smartphone app from the Android or Apple store.
HP Client Security Manager Gen7 requires Windows and is available on the select HP Elite and Pro PCs.
HP BIOSphere Gen6 features may vary depending on the platform and configuration.
HP Secure Erase for the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Secured-Core PC Enable requires an Intel® vPro® , AMD Ryzen™ Pro processor or Qualcomm® processor with SD850 or higher and requires 8 GB or more system memory. Secured-core PC is enabled from the factory.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Actual battery Watt-hours (Wh) will vary from design capacity. Battery capacity will naturally decrease with shelf life, time, usage, environment, temperature, system configuration, loaded apps, features, power management settings and other factors.
Availability may vary by country.
HP Care Packs are sold separately. Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts on date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. For details, visit http://www.hp.com/go/cpc . HP services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.
Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status varies by country. Visit www.epeat.net for more information.
128 GB and 256 GB PCIe® NVMe™ Value M.2 SSD secondary drives are optional and sold separately, must be configured at purchase.
The term "10/100/1000" or "Gigabit" Ethernet indicates compatibility with IEEE standard 802.3ab for Gigabit Ethernet, and does not connote actual operating speed of 1 Gb/s. For high-speed transmission, connection to a Gigabit Ethernet server and network infrastructure is required.
HP Services Scan is provided with Windows Update on select products and will check entitlement on each hardware device to determine if an HP TechPulse-enabled service has been purchased, and will download applicable software automatically. HP TechPulse is a telemetry and analytics platform that provides critical data around devices and applications. For full system requirements or to disable this feature, please visit http://www.hpdaas.com/requirements . Not applicable in China.
This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
The HP ProBook 455 15-inch Laptop provides growing businesses with the commercial-grade performance, advanced multi-layered endpoint security, and durability in an easily upgradeable design. Powered by an AMD processor[2] and long battery life, this feature-rich PC is well-equipped for long-term productivity and helps enable hybrid work.
Optimized for hybrid work
Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments.[3]
Tested for durability
Passed 19 MIL-STD tests[6] for durability and easily serviceable—helping make the most of your IT investment.
Performance for growing business
Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest AMD CPU[2,4], long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage.
Windows 11
Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP's collaboration and connectivity technology.
HP Sure Sense
Malware is evolving rapidly and traditional antivirus can’t always recognize new attacks. Protect your PC against never-before-seen attacks with HP Sure Sense, which uses deep learning AI to provide exceptional protection against advanced malware.
Security is your top priority
The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition provides preconfigured enterprise-level PC protection for small and medium sized businesses. [1]
Fast and efficient wireless LAN
The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit-speed Wi-Fi 6. [7]
Browse confidently
Help protect your PC from websites and read only Microsoft Office and PDF attachments with embedded malware, ransomware, or viruses with hardware-enforced security from HP Sure Click. [8]
Work without interruption
Keep productivity high and downtime low with the fully integrated and automated features of the HP BIOSphere Gen6 firmware ecosystem. Your PCs have extra protection thanks to automatic updates and security checks. [9]
Speed up the basics of IT management
The HP Manageability Integration Kit helps speed up image creation and management of hardware, BIOS, and security through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. [10]
Connect your PC and mobile devices
Wirelessly transfer documents, photos and videos, notes, websites, addresses, and more between your mobile devices and your PC using the simple to use HP QuickDrop app. [11]
Protected by HP Wolf Security
HP Wolf Pro Security Edition PCs interlace HP Sure Click Pro with HP Sure Sense Pro providing more in-depth coverage than the standard versions through a 1-year or 3-year user license with HP Support.[5] This creates a powerful, single solution that doesn’t require an IT-managed PC environment.
[2] Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
[3] Requires myHP application and Windows OS.
[4] Optional feature that must be configured at the time of purchase.
[5] HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (including HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro) is available preloaded on select SKUs and, depending on the HP product purchased, includes a paid 1-year or 3-year license. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP Wolf Security Software - End-User license Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as that EULA is modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for either a twelve (12) month or thirty-six (36) month license term (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[6] MIL-STD testing is not intended to demonstrate fitness for U.S. Department of Defense contract requirements or for military use. Test results are not a guarantee of future performance under these test conditions. Accidental damage requires an optional HP Accidental Damage Protection Care Service.
[7] HP Wolf Security for Business requires Windows 10 and higher, includes various HP security features and is available on HP Pro, Elite, Workstation, and RPOS products. See product details for included security features and OS requirements.
[1] This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[7] Wireless access point and internet service required and sold separately. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6 is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. The specifications for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) are draft and are not final. If the final specifications differ from the draft specifications, it may affect the ability of the PC to communicate with other 802.11ax devices. Wi-Fi® supporting gigabit speeds is achievable with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) when transferring files between two devices connected to the same router. Requires a wireless router, sold separately, that supports 160MHz channels.
[8] HP Sure Click supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Chromium™. Supported attachments include Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and PDF files in read only mode, when Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat are installed.
[9] HP BIOSphere Gen6 requires Windows 10 and is available on select HP Pro and Elite PCs. Features may vary depending on the platform and configurations.
[10] HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement.
[11] Requires Internet access and Windows 10 PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
Technical specification disclaimers
Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows is automatically updated and enabled. High speed internet and Microsoft account required. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See http://www.windows.com.
This system is preinstalled with Windows 10 Pro software and also comes with a license for Windows 11 Pro software and provision for recovery software. You may only use one version of the Windows software at a time. Switching between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version. You must back up all data (files, photos, etc.) before uninstalling and installing operating systems to avoid loss of your data.
Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Processor speed denotes maximum performance mode; processors will run at lower speeds in battery optimization mode.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
For storage drives, GB = 1 billion bytes. TB = 1 trillion bytes. Actual formatted capacity is less. Up to 30 GB (for Windows 10 and 11) is reserved for system recovery software.
Wi-Fi 6E requires a Wi-Fi 6E router, and Windows 11, to function in the 6GHz band. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6E is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. And available in countries where Wi-Fi 6E is supported.
Miracast is a wireless technology your PC can use to project your screen to TVs, projectors, and streaming.
WWAN module is an optional feature, requires factory configuration and requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions, and other factors. 4G LTE not available on all products, in all regions.
SIM slot is not user accessible without WWAN configuration.
Backlit keyboard is an optional feature.
High-definition (HD) / Full high-definition (FHD) content required to view HD /FHD images.
Resolutions are dependent upon monitor capability, and resolution and color depth settings.
Actual brightness will be lower with touchscreen.
HP Support Assistant requires Windows and Internet access.
HP Quick Drop requires Internet access and Windows 10 or higher PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
HP Smart Support requires HP TechPulse to be installed. For more information about how to enable or to download HP Smart Support, please visit http://www.hp.com/smart-support .
HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www8.hp.com/us/en/ads/clientmanagement/overview.html .
HP Cloud Recovery is available for Z by HP, HP Elite and Pro desktops and laptops PCs with Intel® or AMD processors and requires an open, wired network connection. Note: You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Detail please refer to: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05115630 .
Absolute agent is shipped turned off, and will be activated when customers activate a purchased subscription. Subscriptions can be purchased for terms ranging multiple years. Service is limited, check with Absolute for availability outside the U.S. The Absolute Recovery Guarantee is a limited warranty. Certain conditions apply. For full details visit: http://www.absolute.com/company/legal/agreements/ computrace-agreement . Data Delete is an optional service provided by Absolute Software. If utilized, the Recovery Guarantee is null and void. In order to use the Data Delete service, customers must first sign a Pre-Authorization Agreement and either obtain a PIN or purchase one or more RSA SecurID tokens from Absolute Software.
HP Secure Erase: For the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Sure Click requires Windows 10 Pro or higher or Enterprise. See https://bit.ly/2PrLT6A_SureClick for complete details.
HP Sure Sense is available on select HP PCs with Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 11 Pro, or Windows 11 Enterprise OS.
HP Sure Run Gen5 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Recover Gen5 with Embedded Reimaging is an optional feature which requires Windows 10 and higher must be configured at purchase. You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Network based recovery using Wi-Fi is only available on PCs with Intel Wi-Fi Module.
HP Sure Start Gen7 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Admin requires Windows 10 or higher, HP BIOS, HP Manageability Integration Kit from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement and HP Sure Admin Local Access Authenticator smartphone app from the Android or Apple store.
HP Client Security Manager Gen7 requires Windows and is available on the select HP Elite and Pro PCs.
HP BIOSphere Gen6 features may vary depending on the platform and configuration.
HP Secure Erase for the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Secured-Core PC Enable requires an Intel® vPro® , AMD Ryzen™ Pro processor or Qualcomm® processor with SD850 or higher and requires 8 GB or more system memory. Secured-core PC is enabled from the factory.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Actual battery Watt-hours (Wh) will vary from design capacity. Battery capacity will naturally decrease with shelf life, time, usage, environment, temperature, system configuration, loaded apps, features, power management settings and other factors.
Availability may vary by country.
HP Care Packs are sold separately. Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts on date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. For details, visit http://www.hp.com/go/cpc . HP services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.
Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status varies by country. Visit www.epeat.net for more information.
128 GB and 256 GB PCIe® NVMe™ Value M.2 SSD secondary drives are optional and sold separately, must be configured at purchase.
The term "10/100/1000" or "Gigabit" Ethernet indicates compatibility with IEEE standard 802.3ab for Gigabit Ethernet, and does not connote actual operating speed of 1 Gb/s. For high-speed transmission, connection to a Gigabit Ethernet server and network infrastructure is required.
HP Services Scan is provided with Windows Update on select products and will check entitlement on each hardware device to determine if an HP TechPulse-enabled service has been purchased, and will download applicable software automatically. HP TechPulse is a telemetry and analytics platform that provides critical data around devices and applications. For full system requirements or to disable this feature, please visit http://www.hpdaas.com/requirements . Not applicable in China.
This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
Technical specifications
Anti-glare screen | Y |
Touchscreen | N |
Display diagonal | 15.6 " |
Processor frequency | 2 GHz |
Memory form factor | SO-DIMM |
Maximum internal memory | 32 GB |
Memory clock speed | 3,200 MHz |
Front camera | Y |
Optical drive type | N |
Storage media | SSD |
Total storage capacity | 512 GB |
Discrete graphics card model | Not available |
On-board graphics card | Y |
Discrete graphics card | N |
Number of battery cells | 3 |
Battery capacity | 51 Wh |
Sustainability certificates | ENERGY STAR |
Wireless LAN Funktionen
Top Wi-Fi standard | Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) |
Password protection | Y |
Battery technology | Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) |
AC adapter power | 45 W |
Sonstige Funktionen
Mobile network connection | N |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 1,740 g |
Height | 19.9 mm |
Width | 359.4 mm |
Depth | 233.9 mm |
Built-in speaker(s) | Yes |
Built-in microphone | Y |
Computer system
Processor manufacturer | AMD |
On-board graphics card model | AMD Radeon Graphics |
Internal memory | 16 GB |
Fingerprint reader | Y |
Ports & interfaces
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports | 1 |
HDMI ports quantity | 1 |
Combo headphone/mic port | Y |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity | 3 |
Ethernet LAN | Y |
Bluetooth | Y |
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ID: 388819
Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,
Detailed product title
Detailed product title
HP Pro x360 435 G10 AMD Ryzen 5 7530U 2,0GHz 16GB DDR4 512GB SSD M.2 33,8cm (13,3") Touch 1920x1080 Pixel Sound onboard VGA AMD Rade on Graphics WLAN Bluetooth Wolf Pro Security Edition (1 Jahr) Windows 11 Pro 64bit
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-001-1738563350998.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzQ0MDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RVMk16TTFNRGs1T0M1M1pXSnd8Yjk4NTYxY2EzODcyMDdhZDRkZjY3NjBjM2NhZjM5ZTdiOWI0ZmExNmUyM2FkOTdkM2MwNTcxYmRjZGM1NzRmZQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-002-1712009592710.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTg5ODYyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE1qQXdPVFU1TWpjeE1DNXFjR2N8NDAzNzY3NDdmZTFmYjBlOTkyNmU2Mzc3NjA1OTIwY2NiYzQ5ZWI4YmNhOWZiZjhlMTRhOGUwNWZlZTg4MzZmMQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-003-1738781095990.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQ5NzZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ETmZNVGN6T0RjNE1UQTVOVGs1TUM1M1pXSnd8Zjc3MDU1NWIwMTlhOTY5MzU2MGE0YjY0OTI1NjI1OTAwNTdlOWJjNWY5YTM3ODkyMWYzNTk2M2E3YWFiZGIxYg)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-004-1713049728039.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTgzMjc3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16QTBPVGN5T0RBek9TNXFjR2N8ODI2NTVmNjRhNTEwZDk3YmYzZmEzNDViYWEzNjhjNjMyZGMyZmIzMWFlMmU5ZDg3OWMwMjc0Y2U5MmNjN2RiMg)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-005-1738781081314.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTAyOHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16ZzRPREU1THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TTRPRGd4T1Y5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPRGM0TVRBNE1UTXhOQzUzWldKd3wyM2RhYjlkNmZkYTA4ZDBhZTI5NjQzMDhjYzU2YTJhNGJiZmQ5MzliM2E1ZjA5NWZlNjJhODdlZjkxMWQ4N2Jj)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-006-1738793247147.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTgzNTZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EWmZNVGN6T0RjNU16STBOekUwTnk1M1pXSnd8YzNjM2YzZmQ3MjFkOGUwZDg4YThmNmUyMzQ0NmQ1MzJiNjE1MGUwNjA4MTQwOTc5ODM1YWFmMThmMDA0ZWMyOA)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-007-1713053880145.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTI2OTB8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EZGZNVGN4TXpBMU16ZzRNREUwTlM1cWNHY3w5ZGQyZjcwZTg1MmM0MDNjZjc2M2IwM2Y4YTQ2NGYxMWMyOGMwNDVjMWZjZWU5M2Y0YzA1YTFjMmM5MTUwMjVm)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-008-1738793228933.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzQ0NjR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RjNU16SXlPRGt6TXk1M1pXSnd8NTVhMDU1NDVhZjQyY2RlZDZhMTVjZmYxNzJiNGIxM2EyM2YzYTk4NTQ2Y2I2YzhlNDgxN2E4MjA2ZmRkMDgwOA)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-009-1738778063963.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzAzOTh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RjM09EQTJNemsyTXk1M1pXSnd8Njc2OTRlMzFkN2JmYTg2NDU2ZjgzYmY2M2Q3YjNhMzU5YTA5YWY1ZDI4ZTBlNTYzMmFmZTg4N2Y1MzQ4NzMyYQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-010-1738793219794.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTIwOTJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T0RjNU16SXhPVGM1TkM1M1pXSnd8ZDUyZmZmYTYyNGIzNjRlZWFhOGNiNDAyYjY1Yjg0MzkxOWM2NWMwMjRmNzk4NjIyMDA0OGM3ODI3MTY2NjQxNg)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-011-1738793237838.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDM0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RjNU16SXpOemd6T0M1M1pXSnd8ZDAzOWQ4MzEzNmYwNWNlN2Y2MjE0ZmIwNWQ1YmJmNzI2NzcxMzViODM4N2Y5ZmNmMjY0MzdjYTRhYjVjNzdmMA)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-012-1738781088942.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RjNE1UQTRPRGswTWk1M1pXSnd8NzRlMzUzZGY1Y2IxNjg5YWNjOWMwZTNiZWZlY2EwMmU1YzY3NWJhN2I4OTAxNGRiN2I1NDQzNzk1MDcxY2RmNg)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-013-1712030184669.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc2ODA1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVE5mTVRjeE1qQXpNREU0TkRZMk9TNXFjR2N8NzlhZGE1OTE1ODE1Yzc1ZTNmNDliZGVkZGUwZjE4Zjg0ZGQ4MzNkNDAxZjI5ZWEyMGIyMGUxYjA3MDk0YjIxNw)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-014-1738778073765.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDQ1NDB8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UUmZNVGN6T0RjM09EQTNNemMyTlM1M1pXSnd8ZThlZjhlMDkwZjgxMzUyMmIwZGNlYzQ2ZDZhZWViYjUwNjBlMWE2Yzk1MzAyZWY5NTdiMTY4OTM1OWEzNThiYQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-016-1738829904946.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTQwMjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNemc0T0RFNUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek00T0RneE9WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UWmZNVGN6T0RneU9Ua3dORGswTmk1M1pXSnd8YmQ0ODQ0OTQ5ODUwOTQ1YWJmYzA1MTQ2ZjI0NTJhYWRmN2RiZTI4YjYyZGY0MTlmNDUzNmI2ZWJlZjkyYzI1ZQ)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-017-1713043539599.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTMxODg2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVGRmTVRjeE16QTBNelV6T1RVNU9TNXFjR2N8MDk0NDg5NWM1OGNlYmRmMzQ3Y2RjNDNhYTdhMTNmODIyMmI2MzA2NGQ0OTI2OTQwZDdlNmJhMWQ5NGY5MzE1Mw)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-018-1713086861682.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY0ODc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVGhmTVRjeE16QTROamcyTVRZNE1pNXFjR2N8NmQwNjk3ZjU1ODUyMTU3MDkwZjhlNjcyYzI2OThmM2IwZWE3M2RkNGQ3MjczZGRmN2FlMzNmNWU4YjYzNTZmYw)
![Pro x360 435 G10 7530U 16GB 512GB 33,8cm W11P,](/medias/1200Wx1200H-388819-image-019-1712593949665.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTQ1MDYxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TXpnNE9ERTVMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpNNE9EZ3hPVjlwYldGblpWOHdNVGxmTVRjeE1qVTVNemswT1RZMk5TNXFjR2N8YmRmNzEzNGUyODRjMTY1YWEzZDBhNjQxY2FmNTIxZmQyMGMyMjk4NzE4YjQ5NTM1MTQ4YmNmNmY1YTI4NjA1YQ)
18 Images
Internal memory 16 GB
Mobile network connection N
Total storage capacity 512 GB
Display diagonal 15.6 "
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ship in 2-3 days
Product description
Integral features for performance, durability, and security
The HP ProBook 455 15-inch Laptop provides growing businesses with the commercial-grade performance, advanced multi-layered endpoint security, and durability in an easily upgradeable design. Powered by an AMD processor[2] and long battery life, this feature-rich PC is well-equipped for long-term productivity and helps enable hybrid work.
Optimized for hybrid work
Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments.[3]
Tested for durability
Passed 19 MIL-STD tests[6] for durability and easily serviceable—helping make the most of your IT investment.
Performance for growing business
Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest AMD CPU[2,4], long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage.
Windows 11
Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP's collaboration and connectivity technology.
HP Sure Sense
Malware is evolving rapidly and traditional antivirus can’t always recognize new attacks. Protect your PC against never-before-seen attacks with HP Sure Sense, which uses deep learning AI to provide exceptional protection against advanced malware.
Security is your top priority
The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition provides preconfigured enterprise-level PC protection for small and medium sized businesses. [1]
Fast and efficient wireless LAN
The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit-speed Wi-Fi 6. [7]
Browse confidently
Help protect your PC from websites and read only Microsoft Office and PDF attachments with embedded malware, ransomware, or viruses with hardware-enforced security from HP Sure Click. [8]
Work without interruption
Keep productivity high and downtime low with the fully integrated and automated features of the HP BIOSphere Gen6 firmware ecosystem. Your PCs have extra protection thanks to automatic updates and security checks. [9]
Speed up the basics of IT management
The HP Manageability Integration Kit helps speed up image creation and management of hardware, BIOS, and security through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. [10]
Connect your PC and mobile devices
Wirelessly transfer documents, photos and videos, notes, websites, addresses, and more between your mobile devices and your PC using the simple to use HP QuickDrop app. [11]
Protected by HP Wolf Security
HP Wolf Pro Security Edition PCs interlace HP Sure Click Pro with HP Sure Sense Pro providing more in-depth coverage than the standard versions through a 1-year or 3-year user license with HP Support.[5] This creates a powerful, single solution that doesn’t require an IT-managed PC environment.
[2] Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
[3] Requires myHP application and Windows OS.
[4] Optional feature that must be configured at the time of purchase.
[5] HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (including HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro) is available preloaded on select SKUs and, depending on the HP product purchased, includes a paid 1-year or 3-year license. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP Wolf Security Software - End-User license Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as that EULA is modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for either a twelve (12) month or thirty-six (36) month license term (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[6] MIL-STD testing is not intended to demonstrate fitness for U.S. Department of Defense contract requirements or for military use. Test results are not a guarantee of future performance under these test conditions. Accidental damage requires an optional HP Accidental Damage Protection Care Service.
[7] HP Wolf Security for Business requires Windows 10 and higher, includes various HP security features and is available on HP Pro, Elite, Workstation, and RPOS products. See product details for included security features and OS requirements.
[1] This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[7] Wireless access point and internet service required and sold separately. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6 is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. The specifications for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) are draft and are not final. If the final specifications differ from the draft specifications, it may affect the ability of the PC to communicate with other 802.11ax devices. Wi-Fi® supporting gigabit speeds is achievable with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) when transferring files between two devices connected to the same router. Requires a wireless router, sold separately, that supports 160MHz channels.
[8] HP Sure Click supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Chromium™. Supported attachments include Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and PDF files in read only mode, when Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat are installed.
[9] HP BIOSphere Gen6 requires Windows 10 and is available on select HP Pro and Elite PCs. Features may vary depending on the platform and configurations.
[10] HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement.
[11] Requires Internet access and Windows 10 PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
Technical specification disclaimers
Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows is automatically updated and enabled. High speed internet and Microsoft account required. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See http://www.windows.com.
This system is preinstalled with Windows 10 Pro software and also comes with a license for Windows 11 Pro software and provision for recovery software. You may only use one version of the Windows software at a time. Switching between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version. You must back up all data (files, photos, etc.) before uninstalling and installing operating systems to avoid loss of your data.
Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Processor speed denotes maximum performance mode; processors will run at lower speeds in battery optimization mode.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
For storage drives, GB = 1 billion bytes. TB = 1 trillion bytes. Actual formatted capacity is less. Up to 30 GB (for Windows 10 and 11) is reserved for system recovery software.
Wi-Fi 6E requires a Wi-Fi 6E router, and Windows 11, to function in the 6GHz band. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6E is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. And available in countries where Wi-Fi 6E is supported.
Miracast is a wireless technology your PC can use to project your screen to TVs, projectors, and streaming.
WWAN module is an optional feature, requires factory configuration and requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions, and other factors. 4G LTE not available on all products, in all regions.
SIM slot is not user accessible without WWAN configuration.
Backlit keyboard is an optional feature.
High-definition (HD) / Full high-definition (FHD) content required to view HD /FHD images.
Resolutions are dependent upon monitor capability, and resolution and color depth settings.
Actual brightness will be lower with touchscreen.
HP Support Assistant requires Windows and Internet access.
HP Quick Drop requires Internet access and Windows 10 or higher PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
HP Smart Support requires HP TechPulse to be installed. For more information about how to enable or to download HP Smart Support, please visit http://www.hp.com/smart-support .
HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www8.hp.com/us/en/ads/clientmanagement/overview.html .
HP Cloud Recovery is available for Z by HP, HP Elite and Pro desktops and laptops PCs with Intel® or AMD processors and requires an open, wired network connection. Note: You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Detail please refer to: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05115630 .
Absolute agent is shipped turned off, and will be activated when customers activate a purchased subscription. Subscriptions can be purchased for terms ranging multiple years. Service is limited, check with Absolute for availability outside the U.S. The Absolute Recovery Guarantee is a limited warranty. Certain conditions apply. For full details visit: http://www.absolute.com/company/legal/agreements/ computrace-agreement . Data Delete is an optional service provided by Absolute Software. If utilized, the Recovery Guarantee is null and void. In order to use the Data Delete service, customers must first sign a Pre-Authorization Agreement and either obtain a PIN or purchase one or more RSA SecurID tokens from Absolute Software.
HP Secure Erase: For the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Sure Click requires Windows 10 Pro or higher or Enterprise. See https://bit.ly/2PrLT6A_SureClick for complete details.
HP Sure Sense is available on select HP PCs with Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 11 Pro, or Windows 11 Enterprise OS.
HP Sure Run Gen5 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Recover Gen5 with Embedded Reimaging is an optional feature which requires Windows 10 and higher must be configured at purchase. You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Network based recovery using Wi-Fi is only available on PCs with Intel Wi-Fi Module.
HP Sure Start Gen7 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Admin requires Windows 10 or higher, HP BIOS, HP Manageability Integration Kit from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement and HP Sure Admin Local Access Authenticator smartphone app from the Android or Apple store.
HP Client Security Manager Gen7 requires Windows and is available on the select HP Elite and Pro PCs.
HP BIOSphere Gen6 features may vary depending on the platform and configuration.
HP Secure Erase for the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Secured-Core PC Enable requires an Intel® vPro® , AMD Ryzen™ Pro processor or Qualcomm® processor with SD850 or higher and requires 8 GB or more system memory. Secured-core PC is enabled from the factory.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Actual battery Watt-hours (Wh) will vary from design capacity. Battery capacity will naturally decrease with shelf life, time, usage, environment, temperature, system configuration, loaded apps, features, power management settings and other factors.
Availability may vary by country.
HP Care Packs are sold separately. Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts on date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. For details, visit http://www.hp.com/go/cpc . HP services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.
Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status varies by country. Visit www.epeat.net for more information.
128 GB and 256 GB PCIe® NVMe™ Value M.2 SSD secondary drives are optional and sold separately, must be configured at purchase.
The term "10/100/1000" or "Gigabit" Ethernet indicates compatibility with IEEE standard 802.3ab for Gigabit Ethernet, and does not connote actual operating speed of 1 Gb/s. For high-speed transmission, connection to a Gigabit Ethernet server and network infrastructure is required.
HP Services Scan is provided with Windows Update on select products and will check entitlement on each hardware device to determine if an HP TechPulse-enabled service has been purchased, and will download applicable software automatically. HP TechPulse is a telemetry and analytics platform that provides critical data around devices and applications. For full system requirements or to disable this feature, please visit http://www.hpdaas.com/requirements . Not applicable in China.
This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
The HP ProBook 455 15-inch Laptop provides growing businesses with the commercial-grade performance, advanced multi-layered endpoint security, and durability in an easily upgradeable design. Powered by an AMD processor[2] and long battery life, this feature-rich PC is well-equipped for long-term productivity and helps enable hybrid work.
Optimized for hybrid work
Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments.[3]
Tested for durability
Passed 19 MIL-STD tests[6] for durability and easily serviceable—helping make the most of your IT investment.
Performance for growing business
Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest AMD CPU[2,4], long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage.
Windows 11
Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP's collaboration and connectivity technology.
HP Sure Sense
Malware is evolving rapidly and traditional antivirus can’t always recognize new attacks. Protect your PC against never-before-seen attacks with HP Sure Sense, which uses deep learning AI to provide exceptional protection against advanced malware.
Security is your top priority
The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition provides preconfigured enterprise-level PC protection for small and medium sized businesses. [1]
Fast and efficient wireless LAN
The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit-speed Wi-Fi 6. [7]
Browse confidently
Help protect your PC from websites and read only Microsoft Office and PDF attachments with embedded malware, ransomware, or viruses with hardware-enforced security from HP Sure Click. [8]
Work without interruption
Keep productivity high and downtime low with the fully integrated and automated features of the HP BIOSphere Gen6 firmware ecosystem. Your PCs have extra protection thanks to automatic updates and security checks. [9]
Speed up the basics of IT management
The HP Manageability Integration Kit helps speed up image creation and management of hardware, BIOS, and security through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. [10]
Connect your PC and mobile devices
Wirelessly transfer documents, photos and videos, notes, websites, addresses, and more between your mobile devices and your PC using the simple to use HP QuickDrop app. [11]
Protected by HP Wolf Security
HP Wolf Pro Security Edition PCs interlace HP Sure Click Pro with HP Sure Sense Pro providing more in-depth coverage than the standard versions through a 1-year or 3-year user license with HP Support.[5] This creates a powerful, single solution that doesn’t require an IT-managed PC environment.
[2] Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
[3] Requires myHP application and Windows OS.
[4] Optional feature that must be configured at the time of purchase.
[5] HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (including HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro) is available preloaded on select SKUs and, depending on the HP product purchased, includes a paid 1-year or 3-year license. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP Wolf Security Software - End-User license Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as that EULA is modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for either a twelve (12) month or thirty-six (36) month license term (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[6] MIL-STD testing is not intended to demonstrate fitness for U.S. Department of Defense contract requirements or for military use. Test results are not a guarantee of future performance under these test conditions. Accidental damage requires an optional HP Accidental Damage Protection Care Service.
[7] HP Wolf Security for Business requires Windows 10 and higher, includes various HP security features and is available on HP Pro, Elite, Workstation, and RPOS products. See product details for included security features and OS requirements.
[1] This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
[7] Wireless access point and internet service required and sold separately. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6 is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. The specifications for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) are draft and are not final. If the final specifications differ from the draft specifications, it may affect the ability of the PC to communicate with other 802.11ax devices. Wi-Fi® supporting gigabit speeds is achievable with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) when transferring files between two devices connected to the same router. Requires a wireless router, sold separately, that supports 160MHz channels.
[8] HP Sure Click supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Chromium™. Supported attachments include Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and PDF files in read only mode, when Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat are installed.
[9] HP BIOSphere Gen6 requires Windows 10 and is available on select HP Pro and Elite PCs. Features may vary depending on the platform and configurations.
[10] HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement.
[11] Requires Internet access and Windows 10 PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
Technical specification disclaimers
Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows is automatically updated and enabled. High speed internet and Microsoft account required. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See http://www.windows.com.
This system is preinstalled with Windows 10 Pro software and also comes with a license for Windows 11 Pro software and provision for recovery software. You may only use one version of the Windows software at a time. Switching between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version. You must back up all data (files, photos, etc.) before uninstalling and installing operating systems to avoid loss of your data.
Multicore is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Processor speed denotes maximum performance mode; processors will run at lower speeds in battery optimization mode.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
Multi-core is designed to improve performance of certain software products. Not all customers or software applications will necessarily benefit from use of this technology. Performance and clock frequency will vary depending on application workload and your hardware and software configurations. AMD’s numbering is not a measurement of clock speed.
Max Boost clock frequency performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
For storage drives, GB = 1 billion bytes. TB = 1 trillion bytes. Actual formatted capacity is less. Up to 30 GB (for Windows 10 and 11) is reserved for system recovery software.
Wi-Fi 6E requires a Wi-Fi 6E router, and Windows 11, to function in the 6GHz band. Availability of public wireless access points limited. Wi-Fi 6E is backwards compatible with prior 802.11 specs. And available in countries where Wi-Fi 6E is supported.
Miracast is a wireless technology your PC can use to project your screen to TVs, projectors, and streaming.
WWAN module is an optional feature, requires factory configuration and requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions, and other factors. 4G LTE not available on all products, in all regions.
SIM slot is not user accessible without WWAN configuration.
Backlit keyboard is an optional feature.
High-definition (HD) / Full high-definition (FHD) content required to view HD /FHD images.
Resolutions are dependent upon monitor capability, and resolution and color depth settings.
Actual brightness will be lower with touchscreen.
HP Support Assistant requires Windows and Internet access.
HP Quick Drop requires Internet access and Windows 10 or higher PC preinstalled with HP QuickDrop app and either an Android device (phone or tablet) running Android 7 or higher with the Android HP QuickDrop app, and /or an iOS device (phone or tablet) running iOS 12 or higher with the iOS HP QuickDrop app.
HP Smart Support requires HP TechPulse to be installed. For more information about how to enable or to download HP Smart Support, please visit http://www.hp.com/smart-support .
HP Manageability Integration Kit can be downloaded from http://www8.hp.com/us/en/ads/clientmanagement/overview.html .
HP Cloud Recovery is available for Z by HP, HP Elite and Pro desktops and laptops PCs with Intel® or AMD processors and requires an open, wired network connection. Note: You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Detail please refer to: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05115630 .
Absolute agent is shipped turned off, and will be activated when customers activate a purchased subscription. Subscriptions can be purchased for terms ranging multiple years. Service is limited, check with Absolute for availability outside the U.S. The Absolute Recovery Guarantee is a limited warranty. Certain conditions apply. For full details visit: http://www.absolute.com/company/legal/agreements/ computrace-agreement . Data Delete is an optional service provided by Absolute Software. If utilized, the Recovery Guarantee is null and void. In order to use the Data Delete service, customers must first sign a Pre-Authorization Agreement and either obtain a PIN or purchase one or more RSA SecurID tokens from Absolute Software.
HP Secure Erase: For the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Sure Click requires Windows 10 Pro or higher or Enterprise. See https://bit.ly/2PrLT6A_SureClick for complete details.
HP Sure Sense is available on select HP PCs with Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 11 Pro, or Windows 11 Enterprise OS.
HP Sure Run Gen5 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Recover Gen5 with Embedded Reimaging is an optional feature which requires Windows 10 and higher must be configured at purchase. You must back up important files, data, photos, videos, etc. before use to avoid loss of data. Network based recovery using Wi-Fi is only available on PCs with Intel Wi-Fi Module.
HP Sure Start Gen7 is available on select HP PCs and requires Windows 10 and higher.
HP Sure Admin requires Windows 10 or higher, HP BIOS, HP Manageability Integration Kit from http://www.hp.com/go/clientmanagement and HP Sure Admin Local Access Authenticator smartphone app from the Android or Apple store.
HP Client Security Manager Gen7 requires Windows and is available on the select HP Elite and Pro PCs.
HP BIOSphere Gen6 features may vary depending on the platform and configuration.
HP Secure Erase for the methods outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 "Clear" sanitation method. HP Secure Erase does not support platforms with Intel® Optane™.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Secured-Core PC Enable requires an Intel® vPro® , AMD Ryzen™ Pro processor or Qualcomm® processor with SD850 or higher and requires 8 GB or more system memory. Secured-core PC is enabled from the factory.
HP Fingerprint sensor is an optional feature that must be configured at purchase.
Actual battery Watt-hours (Wh) will vary from design capacity. Battery capacity will naturally decrease with shelf life, time, usage, environment, temperature, system configuration, loaded apps, features, power management settings and other factors.
Availability may vary by country.
HP Care Packs are sold separately. Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts on date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. For details, visit http://www.hp.com/go/cpc . HP services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.
Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE 1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status varies by country. Visit www.epeat.net for more information.
128 GB and 256 GB PCIe® NVMe™ Value M.2 SSD secondary drives are optional and sold separately, must be configured at purchase.
The term "10/100/1000" or "Gigabit" Ethernet indicates compatibility with IEEE standard 802.3ab for Gigabit Ethernet, and does not connote actual operating speed of 1 Gb/s. For high-speed transmission, connection to a Gigabit Ethernet server and network infrastructure is required.
HP Services Scan is provided with Windows Update on select products and will check entitlement on each hardware device to determine if an HP TechPulse-enabled service has been purchased, and will download applicable software automatically. HP TechPulse is a telemetry and analytics platform that provides critical data around devices and applications. For full system requirements or to disable this feature, please visit http://www.hpdaas.com/requirements . Not applicable in China.
This product includes a one (1) year license of HP Wolf Pro Security Edition which includes HP Sure Click Pro and HP Sure Sense Pro. The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition software is licensed under the license terms of the HP End User License Agreement (EULA) that can be found at: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3875769-3873014-16 as modified by the following: “7. Term. Unless otherwise terminated earlier pursuant to the terms contained in this EULA, the license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (HP Sure Sense Pro and HP Sure Click Pro) is effective upon activation and will continue for twelve (12) months thereafter (“Initial Term”). At the end of the Initial Term you may either (a) purchase a renewal license for the HP Wolf Pro Security Edition from HP.com, HP Sales or an HP Channel Partner, or (b) continue using the standard versions of HP Sure Click and HP Sure Sense at no additional cost with no future software updates or HP Support.”
Technical specifications
Anti-glare screen | Y |
Touchscreen | N |
Display diagonal | 15.6 " |
Processor frequency | 2 GHz |
Memory form factor | SO-DIMM |
Maximum internal memory | 32 GB |
Memory clock speed | 3,200 MHz |
Front camera | Y |
Optical drive type | N |
Storage media | SSD |
Total storage capacity | 512 GB |
Discrete graphics card model | Not available |
On-board graphics card | Y |
Discrete graphics card | N |
Number of battery cells | 3 |
Battery capacity | 51 Wh |
Sustainability certificates | ENERGY STAR |
Wireless LAN Funktionen
Top Wi-Fi standard | Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) |
Password protection | Y |
Battery technology | Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) |
AC adapter power | 45 W |
Sonstige Funktionen
Mobile network connection | N |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 1,740 g |
Height | 19.9 mm |
Width | 359.4 mm |
Depth | 233.9 mm |
Built-in speaker(s) | Yes |
Built-in microphone | Y |
Computer system
Processor manufacturer | AMD |
On-board graphics card model | AMD Radeon Graphics |
Internal memory | 16 GB |
Fingerprint reader | Y |
Ports & interfaces
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports | 1 |
HDMI ports quantity | 1 |
Combo headphone/mic port | Y |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity | 3 |
Ethernet LAN | Y |
Bluetooth | Y |
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