- Mobile Computing
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- Cabel & Adapter
- Presentation
- Print & Scan
- See all
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- Office applications
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- Software
Data management
Office applications
Collaboration software
Graphic / Multimedia
Operating systems
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- Notebooks
- TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-001-1727212754829.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODM5MDV8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFORGd5T1M1cWNHY3wwYjZiYTBjNGI0OGMxODMzZDliOGU4ZjQwYTAwNjU0YTVjOWI3MmExZDg4MDg5N2YxNDM2M2VhNGJjNjcxNDA3)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-002-1727212756694.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4NTN8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFOalk1TkM1cWNHY3w5Y2JjYjRlNGE0NjA4MDQyOWE3ZDQ5MTU1Yzk3Y2Q2MjdhODZiNGYzY2RmZmMxMDAwNmE2NzY1MjI5ZGI1M2Jk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-003-1727212761614.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY2MDR8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ETmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzJNVFl4TkM1cWNHY3w0Yzg2MzNiYTJiMTkyZjg2NmM5OWUwYmFmYmVkNTMwMWQ3NDU3Y2FjNDY0NzhmZmY0MWFhMzU5NDBjYjMyMjVk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-004-1727212758457.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3NTk0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeU56SXhNamMxT0RRMU55NXFjR2N8YjdjMjdhMDAyNjU0ZjY5ODQ0MjkxZDQ0YmM4NDM0NzFjZTVmNmVlNTcwNGViMTk2NWY5ZDA0MjMzM2IyNDE0Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-005-1727212763333.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTYwMjk4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56SXhNamMyTXpNek15NXFjR2N8ODc2YWQ5NGZjODI5ZDZiMmQxYzljZDI5MGQ2YmYzZTZlNDYyOWIwNTJhNzVhMzI3OGY2ZDgxNTQ1NDNiNWI5Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-001-1727212754829.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODM5MDV8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFORGd5T1M1cWNHY3wwYjZiYTBjNGI0OGMxODMzZDliOGU4ZjQwYTAwNjU0YTVjOWI3MmExZDg4MDg5N2YxNDM2M2VhNGJjNjcxNDA3)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-002-1727212756694.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4NTN8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFOalk1TkM1cWNHY3w5Y2JjYjRlNGE0NjA4MDQyOWE3ZDQ5MTU1Yzk3Y2Q2MjdhODZiNGYzY2RmZmMxMDAwNmE2NzY1MjI5ZGI1M2Jk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-003-1727212761614.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY2MDR8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ETmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzJNVFl4TkM1cWNHY3w0Yzg2MzNiYTJiMTkyZjg2NmM5OWUwYmFmYmVkNTMwMWQ3NDU3Y2FjNDY0NzhmZmY0MWFhMzU5NDBjYjMyMjVk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-004-1727212758457.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3NTk0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeU56SXhNamMxT0RRMU55NXFjR2N8YjdjMjdhMDAyNjU0ZjY5ODQ0MjkxZDQ0YmM4NDM0NzFjZTVmNmVlNTcwNGViMTk2NWY5ZDA0MjMzM2IyNDE0Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-005-1727212763333.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTYwMjk4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56SXhNamMyTXpNek15NXFjR2N8ODc2YWQ5NGZjODI5ZDZiMmQxYzljZDI5MGQ2YmYzZTZlNDYyOWIwNTJhNzVhMzI3OGY2ZDgxNTQ1NDNiNWI5Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-001-1727212754829.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODM5MDV8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFORGd5T1M1cWNHY3wwYjZiYTBjNGI0OGMxODMzZDliOGU4ZjQwYTAwNjU0YTVjOWI3MmExZDg4MDg5N2YxNDM2M2VhNGJjNjcxNDA3)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-002-1727212756694.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4NTN8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFOalk1TkM1cWNHY3w5Y2JjYjRlNGE0NjA4MDQyOWE3ZDQ5MTU1Yzk3Y2Q2MjdhODZiNGYzY2RmZmMxMDAwNmE2NzY1MjI5ZGI1M2Jk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-003-1727212761614.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY2MDR8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ETmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzJNVFl4TkM1cWNHY3w0Yzg2MzNiYTJiMTkyZjg2NmM5OWUwYmFmYmVkNTMwMWQ3NDU3Y2FjNDY0NzhmZmY0MWFhMzU5NDBjYjMyMjVk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-004-1727212758457.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3NTk0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeU56SXhNamMxT0RRMU55NXFjR2N8YjdjMjdhMDAyNjU0ZjY5ODQ0MjkxZDQ0YmM4NDM0NzFjZTVmNmVlNTcwNGViMTk2NWY5ZDA0MjMzM2IyNDE0Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-005-1727212763333.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTYwMjk4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56SXhNamMyTXpNek15NXFjR2N8ODc2YWQ5NGZjODI5ZDZiMmQxYzljZDI5MGQ2YmYzZTZlNDYyOWIwNTJhNzVhMzI3OGY2ZDgxNTQ1NDNiNWI5Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-001-1727212754829.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODM5MDV8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFORGd5T1M1cWNHY3wwYjZiYTBjNGI0OGMxODMzZDliOGU4ZjQwYTAwNjU0YTVjOWI3MmExZDg4MDg5N2YxNDM2M2VhNGJjNjcxNDA3)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-002-1727212756694.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4NTN8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFOalk1TkM1cWNHY3w5Y2JjYjRlNGE0NjA4MDQyOWE3ZDQ5MTU1Yzk3Y2Q2MjdhODZiNGYzY2RmZmMxMDAwNmE2NzY1MjI5ZGI1M2Jk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-003-1727212761614.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY2MDR8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ETmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzJNVFl4TkM1cWNHY3w0Yzg2MzNiYTJiMTkyZjg2NmM5OWUwYmFmYmVkNTMwMWQ3NDU3Y2FjNDY0NzhmZmY0MWFhMzU5NDBjYjMyMjVk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-004-1727212758457.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3NTk0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeU56SXhNamMxT0RRMU55NXFjR2N8YjdjMjdhMDAyNjU0ZjY5ODQ0MjkxZDQ0YmM4NDM0NzFjZTVmNmVlNTcwNGViMTk2NWY5ZDA0MjMzM2IyNDE0Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-005-1727212763333.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTYwMjk4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56SXhNamMyTXpNek15NXFjR2N8ODc2YWQ5NGZjODI5ZDZiMmQxYzljZDI5MGQ2YmYzZTZlNDYyOWIwNTJhNzVhMzI3OGY2ZDgxNTQ1NDNiNWI5Zg)
- Huge 40.6 cm (16") SMB notebook with AI-accelerated Intel® Core™ Ultra processors
- Fast response time, all-day battery life and instant wake-up with Intel Evo™ Edition
- With numeric keypad for convenient data entry and number crunching
- Enables seamless video calls with rich images and noise-canceling audio
- Ideal for demanding tasks such as data analysis, financial modeling and video conferencing
Increase your productivity
The Lenovo ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 is ideal for small and medium business owners, productive users and professionals on the go. This 40.6 cm (16") notebook with Intel® Core™ Ultra processors enables unmatched AI-powered productivity as well as effortless data analysis, content creation and much more. Benefit from optimized performance with dedicated AI engines, including the power-efficient Neural Processing Unit (NPU), which lets you get more done without plugging in the laptop. Choose Intel Evo™ Edition for instant wake, fast charging, longer battery life, and superior responsiveness.
Fast access, full protection
Equipped with advanced security features, the ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 laptop offers comprehensive protection for data. The optional "Match on Chip" fingerprint scanner on the power button enables secure login and instant boot-up, while the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) encrypts important data. It also features a Kensington Nano Security Slot™ to protect against physical theft. The deactivatable mechanical webcam cover provides additional privacy.
Optimize your work style
The ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 notebook offers plenty of flexibility for on-the-go use. It's stylish, portable and easy to carry so you can work in any corner. It has a wide range of ports that enable fast file transfers, easy device pairing and smooth screen sharing. In addition, AI-driven connectivity and noise-cancelling features enable lag-free online collaboration with suppressed dynamic noise. The excellent sound quality of Dolby Audio™ enriches the sound quality with outstanding depth and clarity.
More colors, clearer images
Enjoy brilliant colors and contrast on the massive 40.6 cm (16″) ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 notebook. It offers ample screen space and multiple display options for high-resolution content where every pixel counts for an optimized visual experience. Integrated Intel® graphics take your creativity to the next level and enable advanced creations with color precision. Best of all, every display on this notebook is TÜV Eyesafe® certified to protect your eyes from strain when you work for longer periods of time.
Feel the difference
In addition to its impressive performance, the Lenovo ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 notebook offers outstanding user comfort. It features a redesigned keyboard layout with well-spaced keys for fast and precise typing - an ergonomic experience with a pleasant feel. It also protects against accidental spills to prevent crashes and ensure consistent performance. The ENERGY STAR® 8.0 and EPEAT® Gold certifications prove that the notebook is energy efficient. The keycaps are made from 50% recycled plastic.
Durable strength and stability
We use the U.S. Department of Defense's MIL-STD 810H to create a balance between reliability and durability for ThinkBook notebooks. Meeting or exceeding 12 standards, 26 procedures, and more than 200 quality checks ensures these devices can be used in extreme conditions, including harsh environments like the Arctic wilderness, desert dust storms, extreme temperature, pressure, humidity, vibration, and more.
Product colour | Grey |
Anti-glare screen | Y |
Touchscreen | N |
Display diagonal | 16 " |
Display resolution | 1920 x 1200 |
Maximum refresh rate | 60 Hz |
Front camera | Y |
Optical drive type | N |
Storage media | SSD |
Total storage capacity | 512 GB |
Battery capacity | 45 Wh |
Top Wi-Fi standard | Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) |
Battery technology | Lithium Polymer (LiPo) |
AC adapter power | 65 W |
Mobile network connection | N |
Sustainability certificates | ENERGY STAR,TCO,EPEAT Gold |
Weight | 1,700 g |
Height | 17.5 mm |
Width | 356 mm |
Depth | 253.5 mm |
Built-in microphone | Y |
Operating system installed | Windows 11 Pro |
On-board graphics card model | Intel Graphics |
Internal memory | 16 GB |
Discrete graphics card model | Not available |
On-board graphics card | Y |
Discrete graphics card | N |
Fingerprint reader | Y |
Keyboard language | German |
Internal memory type | DDR5-SDRAM |
Memory form factor | SO-DIMM |
Maximum internal memory | 64 GB |
Memory clock speed | 5,600 MHz |
Processor manufacturer | Intel |
Processor family | Intel Core Ultra 5 |
Processor model | 125U |
Processor generation | Intel Core Ultra (Series 1) |
Performance-core base frequency | 1.3 |
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports | 1 |
HDMI ports quantity | 1 |
Combo headphone/mic port | Y |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity | 2 |
Intel® Thunderbolt 4 | Y |
Ethernet LAN | Y |
Bluetooth | Y |
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-001-1727212754829.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODM5MDV8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFORGd5T1M1cWNHY3wwYjZiYTBjNGI0OGMxODMzZDliOGU4ZjQwYTAwNjU0YTVjOWI3MmExZDg4MDg5N2YxNDM2M2VhNGJjNjcxNDA3)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-002-1727212756694.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4NTN8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzFOalk1TkM1cWNHY3w5Y2JjYjRlNGE0NjA4MDQyOWE3ZDQ5MTU1Yzk3Y2Q2MjdhODZiNGYzY2RmZmMxMDAwNmE2NzY1MjI5ZGI1M2Jk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-003-1727212761614.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjY2MDR8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVEkyTXpFMUx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelV5TmpNeE5WOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ETmZNVGN5TnpJeE1qYzJNVFl4TkM1cWNHY3w0Yzg2MzNiYTJiMTkyZjg2NmM5OWUwYmFmYmVkNTMwMWQ3NDU3Y2FjNDY0NzhmZmY0MWFhMzU5NDBjYjMyMjVk)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-004-1727212758457.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3NTk0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeU56SXhNamMxT0RRMU55NXFjR2N8YjdjMjdhMDAyNjU0ZjY5ODQ0MjkxZDQ0YmM4NDM0NzFjZTVmNmVlNTcwNGViMTk2NWY5ZDA0MjMzM2IyNDE0Zg)
![TB 16 G7 U5-125U 64GB 512GB 40,6cm 16" 1920x1200 W11P](/medias/1200Wx1200H-526315-image-005-1727212763333.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTYwMjk4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRJMk16RTFMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVeU5qTXhOVjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56SXhNamMyTXpNek15NXFjR2N8ODc2YWQ5NGZjODI5ZDZiMmQxYzljZDI5MGQ2YmYzZTZlNDYyOWIwNTJhNzVhMzI3OGY2ZDgxNTQ1NDNiNWI5Zg)
Internal memory 16 GB
Product colour Grey
Mobile network connection N
Operating system installed Windows 11 Pro
Total storage capacity 512 GB
Processor model 125U
Display diagonal 16 "
- Huge 40.6 cm (16") SMB notebook with AI-accelerated Intel® Core™ Ultra processors
- Fast response time, all-day battery life and instant wake-up with Intel Evo™ Edition
- With numeric keypad for convenient data entry and number crunching
- Enables seamless video calls with rich images and noise-canceling audio
- Ideal for demanding tasks such as data analysis, financial modeling and video conferencing
Increase your productivity
The Lenovo ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 is ideal for small and medium business owners, productive users and professionals on the go. This 40.6 cm (16") notebook with Intel® Core™ Ultra processors enables unmatched AI-powered productivity as well as effortless data analysis, content creation and much more. Benefit from optimized performance with dedicated AI engines, including the power-efficient Neural Processing Unit (NPU), which lets you get more done without plugging in the laptop. Choose Intel Evo™ Edition for instant wake, fast charging, longer battery life, and superior responsiveness.
Fast access, full protection
Equipped with advanced security features, the ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 laptop offers comprehensive protection for data. The optional "Match on Chip" fingerprint scanner on the power button enables secure login and instant boot-up, while the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) encrypts important data. It also features a Kensington Nano Security Slot™ to protect against physical theft. The deactivatable mechanical webcam cover provides additional privacy.
Optimize your work style
The ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 notebook offers plenty of flexibility for on-the-go use. It's stylish, portable and easy to carry so you can work in any corner. It has a wide range of ports that enable fast file transfers, easy device pairing and smooth screen sharing. In addition, AI-driven connectivity and noise-cancelling features enable lag-free online collaboration with suppressed dynamic noise. The excellent sound quality of Dolby Audio™ enriches the sound quality with outstanding depth and clarity.
More colors, clearer images
Enjoy brilliant colors and contrast on the massive 40.6 cm (16″) ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 notebook. It offers ample screen space and multiple display options for high-resolution content where every pixel counts for an optimized visual experience. Integrated Intel® graphics take your creativity to the next level and enable advanced creations with color precision. Best of all, every display on this notebook is TÜV Eyesafe® certified to protect your eyes from strain when you work for longer periods of time.
Feel the difference
In addition to its impressive performance, the Lenovo ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 notebook offers outstanding user comfort. It features a redesigned keyboard layout with well-spaced keys for fast and precise typing - an ergonomic experience with a pleasant feel. It also protects against accidental spills to prevent crashes and ensure consistent performance. The ENERGY STAR® 8.0 and EPEAT® Gold certifications prove that the notebook is energy efficient. The keycaps are made from 50% recycled plastic.
Durable strength and stability
We use the U.S. Department of Defense's MIL-STD 810H to create a balance between reliability and durability for ThinkBook notebooks. Meeting or exceeding 12 standards, 26 procedures, and more than 200 quality checks ensures these devices can be used in extreme conditions, including harsh environments like the Arctic wilderness, desert dust storms, extreme temperature, pressure, humidity, vibration, and more.
Product colour | Grey |
Anti-glare screen | Y |
Touchscreen | N |
Display diagonal | 16 " |
Display resolution | 1920 x 1200 |
Maximum refresh rate | 60 Hz |
Front camera | Y |
Optical drive type | N |
Storage media | SSD |
Total storage capacity | 512 GB |
Battery capacity | 45 Wh |
Top Wi-Fi standard | Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) |
Battery technology | Lithium Polymer (LiPo) |
AC adapter power | 65 W |
Mobile network connection | N |
Sustainability certificates | ENERGY STAR,TCO,EPEAT Gold |
Weight | 1,700 g |
Height | 17.5 mm |
Width | 356 mm |
Depth | 253.5 mm |
Built-in microphone | Y |
Operating system installed | Windows 11 Pro |
On-board graphics card model | Intel Graphics |
Internal memory | 16 GB |
Discrete graphics card model | Not available |
On-board graphics card | Y |
Discrete graphics card | N |
Fingerprint reader | Y |
Keyboard language | German |
Internal memory type | DDR5-SDRAM |
Memory form factor | SO-DIMM |
Maximum internal memory | 64 GB |
Memory clock speed | 5,600 MHz |
Processor manufacturer | Intel |
Processor family | Intel Core Ultra 5 |
Processor model | 125U |
Processor generation | Intel Core Ultra (Series 1) |
Performance-core base frequency | 1.3 |
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports | 1 |
HDMI ports quantity | 1 |
Combo headphone/mic port | Y |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity | 2 |
Intel® Thunderbolt 4 | Y |
Ethernet LAN | Y |
Bluetooth | Y |
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