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- MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-001-1713555235495.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTEwMTh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORGc0TURrM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelE0T0RBNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN4TXpVMU5USXpOVFE1TlM1cWNHY3xlM2QxNWI2NDIyMGNhNGU1YzdkMGM3NGQ3Mjk1MTI0MmQzZDMzZjNiYjIyNjM1ODFjN2JjYzFlYzYzZjlmYzA0)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-002-1713555240413.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0Nzc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VTFOVEkwTURReE15NXFjR2N8MjEzNTJhODA5NDc2YmVhN2E4NzE2MDdiYWIyZDAxZGUzMGQ1ZmYwMGQ3ZjE3MGFhN2VkNGFhMWYzMjA2YTJjZA)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-003-1713555232986.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0NzIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TWprNE5pNXFjR2N8NDYwMzVjNzU2NDkzZTk1NjZiOTMwNTJkYjA0NjRmYjYwN2QxMDBiMzY1NmI1ZjQxZGY5MzgxNzU4NDEyOThmNw)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-004-1713555237791.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3MDQ5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TnpjNU1TNXFjR2N8NDhmMjAzY2U4NzhkYmEwZTk3MDVkNjIwMWNjZGVhOTk2YzMwZTc0N2U0ZTBjOWJkYWIwYWEyNjU1Y2U1OTc3Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-005-1713555230423.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY0NjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TURReU15NXFjR2N8ODc5MWJjMzgwODgwMTVlZDI0YjE3OTc1ZWQ2NWIxMWUxODIzOTY2MGNlNTFmMTU1ZWFjYzBjYWE5MzAxZjM2Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-001-1713555235495.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTEwMTh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORGc0TURrM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelE0T0RBNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN4TXpVMU5USXpOVFE1TlM1cWNHY3xlM2QxNWI2NDIyMGNhNGU1YzdkMGM3NGQ3Mjk1MTI0MmQzZDMzZjNiYjIyNjM1ODFjN2JjYzFlYzYzZjlmYzA0)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-002-1713555240413.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0Nzc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VTFOVEkwTURReE15NXFjR2N8MjEzNTJhODA5NDc2YmVhN2E4NzE2MDdiYWIyZDAxZGUzMGQ1ZmYwMGQ3ZjE3MGFhN2VkNGFhMWYzMjA2YTJjZA)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-003-1713555232986.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0NzIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TWprNE5pNXFjR2N8NDYwMzVjNzU2NDkzZTk1NjZiOTMwNTJkYjA0NjRmYjYwN2QxMDBiMzY1NmI1ZjQxZGY5MzgxNzU4NDEyOThmNw)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-004-1713555237791.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3MDQ5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TnpjNU1TNXFjR2N8NDhmMjAzY2U4NzhkYmEwZTk3MDVkNjIwMWNjZGVhOTk2YzMwZTc0N2U0ZTBjOWJkYWIwYWEyNjU1Y2U1OTc3Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-005-1713555230423.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY0NjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TURReU15NXFjR2N8ODc5MWJjMzgwODgwMTVlZDI0YjE3OTc1ZWQ2NWIxMWUxODIzOTY2MGNlNTFmMTU1ZWFjYzBjYWE5MzAxZjM2Mg)
5 Images
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-001-1713555235495.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTEwMTh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORGc0TURrM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelE0T0RBNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN4TXpVMU5USXpOVFE1TlM1cWNHY3xlM2QxNWI2NDIyMGNhNGU1YzdkMGM3NGQ3Mjk1MTI0MmQzZDMzZjNiYjIyNjM1ODFjN2JjYzFlYzYzZjlmYzA0)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-002-1713555240413.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0Nzc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VTFOVEkwTURReE15NXFjR2N8MjEzNTJhODA5NDc2YmVhN2E4NzE2MDdiYWIyZDAxZGUzMGQ1ZmYwMGQ3ZjE3MGFhN2VkNGFhMWYzMjA2YTJjZA)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-003-1713555232986.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0NzIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TWprNE5pNXFjR2N8NDYwMzVjNzU2NDkzZTk1NjZiOTMwNTJkYjA0NjRmYjYwN2QxMDBiMzY1NmI1ZjQxZGY5MzgxNzU4NDEyOThmNw)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-004-1713555237791.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3MDQ5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TnpjNU1TNXFjR2N8NDhmMjAzY2U4NzhkYmEwZTk3MDVkNjIwMWNjZGVhOTk2YzMwZTc0N2U0ZTBjOWJkYWIwYWEyNjU1Y2U1OTc3Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-005-1713555230423.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY0NjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TURReU15NXFjR2N8ODc5MWJjMzgwODgwMTVlZDI0YjE3OTc1ZWQ2NWIxMWUxODIzOTY2MGNlNTFmMTU1ZWFjYzBjYWE5MzAxZjM2Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-001-1713555235495.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTEwMTh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORGc0TURrM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelE0T0RBNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN4TXpVMU5USXpOVFE1TlM1cWNHY3xlM2QxNWI2NDIyMGNhNGU1YzdkMGM3NGQ3Mjk1MTI0MmQzZDMzZjNiYjIyNjM1ODFjN2JjYzFlYzYzZjlmYzA0)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-002-1713555240413.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0Nzc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VTFOVEkwTURReE15NXFjR2N8MjEzNTJhODA5NDc2YmVhN2E4NzE2MDdiYWIyZDAxZGUzMGQ1ZmYwMGQ3ZjE3MGFhN2VkNGFhMWYzMjA2YTJjZA)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-003-1713555232986.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0NzIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TWprNE5pNXFjR2N8NDYwMzVjNzU2NDkzZTk1NjZiOTMwNTJkYjA0NjRmYjYwN2QxMDBiMzY1NmI1ZjQxZGY5MzgxNzU4NDEyOThmNw)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-004-1713555237791.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3MDQ5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TnpjNU1TNXFjR2N8NDhmMjAzY2U4NzhkYmEwZTk3MDVkNjIwMWNjZGVhOTk2YzMwZTc0N2U0ZTBjOWJkYWIwYWEyNjU1Y2U1OTc3Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-005-1713555230423.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY0NjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TURReU15NXFjR2N8ODc5MWJjMzgwODgwMTVlZDI0YjE3OTc1ZWQ2NWIxMWUxODIzOTY2MGNlNTFmMTU1ZWFjYzBjYWE5MzAxZjM2Mg)
Product description
Professional Compact Colour LED All-in-One Printer
Combining professional performance with fast print speeds, minimal maintenance, and long-lasting supplies. The compact, whisper-quiet MFC-L8390CDW has been expertly engineered to feature the latest industry-standard security, with flexibility to tailor the device to suit your business. Be confident that this colour LED will meet the needs of your office with ease.
Quiet without compromise
Engineered to print quietly while delivering speeds up to 25% faster than the previous generation, so you can print continuously without distraction and focus on your work
Designed to go the distance
Built to perform for longer, made from robust and hard-wearing materials and supported by outstanding service as standard. Delivers uncompromised performance at all times
Additional Flexibility
With easy paper access and the ability to add an optional paper tray for additional flexibility, this device has been developed for high print volume to meet the needs of a busy office
Solutions ready
Automate workflows and improve business processes and security - a suite of document management, security and workflow solutions can be added to provide additional professional features
Make printing simple
Managed Print Services (MPS) supports you to get the best out of your devices - simplify printer admin, save time, keep costs down, and stay productive
At your side support
Wherever you are in Australia, Brother offers free customer care for the lifetime of your product
Combining professional performance with fast print speeds, minimal maintenance, and long-lasting supplies. The compact, whisper-quiet MFC-L8390CDW has been expertly engineered to feature the latest industry-standard security, with flexibility to tailor the device to suit your business. Be confident that this colour LED will meet the needs of your office with ease.
Quiet without compromise
Engineered to print quietly while delivering speeds up to 25% faster than the previous generation, so you can print continuously without distraction and focus on your work
Designed to go the distance
Built to perform for longer, made from robust and hard-wearing materials and supported by outstanding service as standard. Delivers uncompromised performance at all times
Additional Flexibility
With easy paper access and the ability to add an optional paper tray for additional flexibility, this device has been developed for high print volume to meet the needs of a busy office
Solutions ready
Automate workflows and improve business processes and security - a suite of document management, security and workflow solutions can be added to provide additional professional features
Make printing simple
Managed Print Services (MPS) supports you to get the best out of your devices - simplify printer admin, save time, keep costs down, and stay productive
At your side support
Wherever you are in Australia, Brother offers free customer care for the lifetime of your product
Technical specifications
Product colour | White |
Built-in display | Ja |
Colour display | Y |
Display diagonal | 3.5 " |
Server operating systems supported | Windows Server 2016,Windows Server 2012,Windows Se |
Sound pressure level (printing) | 54 dB |
Supported network protocols (IPv6) | NDP, RA, DNS resolver,mDNS, LLMNR responder,LPR/ |
Windows operating systems supported | Windows 10,Windows 11 |
Power consumption (off) | 0.04 W |
AC input voltage | 220 - 240 |
AC input frequency | 50/60 |
Power consumption (sleep) | 10 W |
Power consumption (max) | 960 W |
Energy Star Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) | 0.48 kWh/we |
Power consumption (printing) | 620 W |
Power consumption (ready) | 70 W |
Power consumption (copying) | 620 W |
Cartridge(s) included | Ja |
Technische Details
Market positioning | Zuhause & Büro |
Mobile printing technologies | Apple AirPrint,MopriaPrint Service |
Package weight | 25,200 g |
Package depth | 583 mm |
Package width | 497 mm |
Package height | 533 mm |
Input & output capacity
Total number of input trays | 1 |
Multi-Purpose tray | Y |
Auto document feeder (ADF) | Y |
Auto document feeder (ADF) input capacity | 50 sheets |
Multi-Purpose tray input capacity | 30 sheets |
Total input capacity | 250 sheets |
Total output capacity | 150 sheets |
Faxing | Farbfaxen |
Auto reduction | Y |
Error Correction Mode (ECM) | Y |
Duplex faxing | Y |
Modem speed | 33.6 Kbit/s |
Fax memory | 500 pages |
Paper handling
ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) | A4, A5, A6 |
Envelopes sizes | C5,Com-10,DL,Monarch |
ISO B-series sizes (B0...B9) | B5 |
Maximum ISO A-series paper size | A4 |
Non-ISO print media sizes | Folio (media size),Legal(media size),Letter (medi |
Paper tray media types | Bond paper,Envelopes,Labels,Plain paper,Recycled p |
JIS B-series sizes (B0...B9) | B5,B6 |
Custom media length | 127 - 355.6 |
Custom media width | 76.2 - 215.9 |
Paper tray media weight | 60 - 163 |
Image formats supported | JPG |
Document formats supported | |
Scan technology | D-CIS |
Scanner type | Flachbett- & ADF-Scanner |
Scanning | Farbscan |
Scan to | Cloud,E-mail Server,FTP,File,Network folder,OCR,US |
Optical scanning resolution | 600 x 600 DPI |
Output colour depth | 24 |
Input colour depth | 48 |
Copying | Farbkopieren |
N-in-1 copy function (N=) | 2,4 |
N-in-1 copy function | Y |
Duplex copying | Ja |
Copy speed (black, normal quality, A4) | 30 cpm |
Maximum number of copies | 999 copies |
Copier resize | 25 - 400 |
Maximum copy resolution | 600 x 600 DPI |
Sonstige Funktionen
Display | LCD |
Control type | Touch |
USB port | Ja |
Internal memory | 512 MB |
Copy speed (colour, normal quality, A4) | 30 cpm |
Operational conditions
Operating relative humidity (H-H) | 20 - 80 |
Storage temperature (T-T) | 0 - 40 |
Operating temperature (T-T) | 10 - 32.5 |
Storage relative humidity (H-H) | 35 - 85 |
Page description languages | BR-Script 3,PCL 5c,PCL 5e,PCL 6,PDF 1.7 |
Duplex printing mode | Auto |
Duplex printing | Ja |
Printing | Farbdruck |
Secure printing | Y |
Print speed (black, normal quality, A4/US Letter) | 30 ppm |
Print speed (colour, normal quality, A4/US Letter) | 30 ppm |
Time to first page (black, normal) | 12.5 s |
Maximum resolution | 600 x 2400 DPI |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 17,600 g |
Height | 401 mm |
Width | 410 mm |
Depth | 462 mm |
Number of print cartridges | 1 |
Printing colours | Schwarz, Cyan, Magenta, Gelb |
Print technology | LED |
Duplex functions | |
Recommended duty cycle | 300 - 4000 |
Wi-Fi standards | 802.11a,802.11b,802.11g,Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) |
Cabling technology | 10/100/1000Base-T(X) |
Supported network protocols (IPv4) | ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP,APIPA(Auto IP), WINS/NetB |
Ethernet LAN data rates | 10,100 |
Ports & interfaces
USB 2.0 ports quantity | 1 |
Ethernet LAN | Ja |
Wi-Fi | Yes |
Near Field Communication (NFC) | Y |
USB connector | USB Type-A / USB Type-B |
Direct printing | Ja |
Security algorithms | WPA2-AES,64-bit WEP,WPA2-PSK,128-bit WEP,WPA2-TKIPWP |
Call management
Speed dialling | Y |
PDF Download
ID: 488097
Brother ID: MFCL8390CDWRE1
MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)
Detailed product title
Detailed product title
Brother MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Druck en)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-001-1713555235495.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTEwMTh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORGc0TURrM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelE0T0RBNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN4TXpVMU5USXpOVFE1TlM1cWNHY3xlM2QxNWI2NDIyMGNhNGU1YzdkMGM3NGQ3Mjk1MTI0MmQzZDMzZjNiYjIyNjM1ODFjN2JjYzFlYzYzZjlmYzA0)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-002-1713555240413.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0Nzc0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VTFOVEkwTURReE15NXFjR2N8MjEzNTJhODA5NDc2YmVhN2E4NzE2MDdiYWIyZDAxZGUzMGQ1ZmYwMGQ3ZjE3MGFhN2VkNGFhMWYzMjA2YTJjZA)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-003-1713555232986.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDc0NzIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TWprNE5pNXFjR2N8NDYwMzVjNzU2NDkzZTk1NjZiOTMwNTJkYjA0NjRmYjYwN2QxMDBiMzY1NmI1ZjQxZGY5MzgxNzU4NDEyOThmNw)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-004-1713555237791.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY3MDQ5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TnpjNU1TNXFjR2N8NDhmMjAzY2U4NzhkYmEwZTk3MDVkNjIwMWNjZGVhOTk2YzMwZTc0N2U0ZTBjOWJkYWIwYWEyNjU1Y2U1OTc3Mg)
![MFC-L8390CDW Multifunktionsdrucker Farbe LED A4/Legal (Medien) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Kopieren) bis zu 30 Seiten/Min. (Drucken)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-488097-image-005-1713555230423.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDY0NjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TkRnNE1EazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpRNE9EQTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeE16VTFOVEl6TURReU15NXFjR2N8ODc5MWJjMzgwODgwMTVlZDI0YjE3OTc1ZWQ2NWIxMWUxODIzOTY2MGNlNTFmMTU1ZWFjYzBjYWE5MzAxZjM2Mg)
5 Images
Printing Farbdruck
Maximum ISO A-series paper size A4
Maximum resolution 600 x 2400 DPI
Print technology LED
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Product description
Professional Compact Colour LED All-in-One Printer
Combining professional performance with fast print speeds, minimal maintenance, and long-lasting supplies. The compact, whisper-quiet MFC-L8390CDW has been expertly engineered to feature the latest industry-standard security, with flexibility to tailor the device to suit your business. Be confident that this colour LED will meet the needs of your office with ease.
Quiet without compromise
Engineered to print quietly while delivering speeds up to 25% faster than the previous generation, so you can print continuously without distraction and focus on your work
Designed to go the distance
Built to perform for longer, made from robust and hard-wearing materials and supported by outstanding service as standard. Delivers uncompromised performance at all times
Additional Flexibility
With easy paper access and the ability to add an optional paper tray for additional flexibility, this device has been developed for high print volume to meet the needs of a busy office
Solutions ready
Automate workflows and improve business processes and security - a suite of document management, security and workflow solutions can be added to provide additional professional features
Make printing simple
Managed Print Services (MPS) supports you to get the best out of your devices - simplify printer admin, save time, keep costs down, and stay productive
At your side support
Wherever you are in Australia, Brother offers free customer care for the lifetime of your product
Combining professional performance with fast print speeds, minimal maintenance, and long-lasting supplies. The compact, whisper-quiet MFC-L8390CDW has been expertly engineered to feature the latest industry-standard security, with flexibility to tailor the device to suit your business. Be confident that this colour LED will meet the needs of your office with ease.
Quiet without compromise
Engineered to print quietly while delivering speeds up to 25% faster than the previous generation, so you can print continuously without distraction and focus on your work
Designed to go the distance
Built to perform for longer, made from robust and hard-wearing materials and supported by outstanding service as standard. Delivers uncompromised performance at all times
Additional Flexibility
With easy paper access and the ability to add an optional paper tray for additional flexibility, this device has been developed for high print volume to meet the needs of a busy office
Solutions ready
Automate workflows and improve business processes and security - a suite of document management, security and workflow solutions can be added to provide additional professional features
Make printing simple
Managed Print Services (MPS) supports you to get the best out of your devices - simplify printer admin, save time, keep costs down, and stay productive
At your side support
Wherever you are in Australia, Brother offers free customer care for the lifetime of your product
Technical specifications
Product colour | White |
Built-in display | Ja |
Colour display | Y |
Display diagonal | 3.5 " |
Server operating systems supported | Windows Server 2016,Windows Server 2012,Windows Se |
Sound pressure level (printing) | 54 dB |
Supported network protocols (IPv6) | NDP, RA, DNS resolver,mDNS, LLMNR responder,LPR/ |
Windows operating systems supported | Windows 10,Windows 11 |
Power consumption (off) | 0.04 W |
AC input voltage | 220 - 240 |
AC input frequency | 50/60 |
Power consumption (sleep) | 10 W |
Power consumption (max) | 960 W |
Energy Star Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) | 0.48 kWh/we |
Power consumption (printing) | 620 W |
Power consumption (ready) | 70 W |
Power consumption (copying) | 620 W |
Cartridge(s) included | Ja |
Technische Details
Market positioning | Zuhause & Büro |
Mobile printing technologies | Apple AirPrint,MopriaPrint Service |
Package weight | 25,200 g |
Package depth | 583 mm |
Package width | 497 mm |
Package height | 533 mm |
Input & output capacity
Total number of input trays | 1 |
Multi-Purpose tray | Y |
Auto document feeder (ADF) | Y |
Auto document feeder (ADF) input capacity | 50 sheets |
Multi-Purpose tray input capacity | 30 sheets |
Total input capacity | 250 sheets |
Total output capacity | 150 sheets |
Faxing | Farbfaxen |
Auto reduction | Y |
Error Correction Mode (ECM) | Y |
Duplex faxing | Y |
Modem speed | 33.6 Kbit/s |
Fax memory | 500 pages |
Paper handling
ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) | A4, A5, A6 |
Envelopes sizes | C5,Com-10,DL,Monarch |
ISO B-series sizes (B0...B9) | B5 |
Maximum ISO A-series paper size | A4 |
Non-ISO print media sizes | Folio (media size),Legal(media size),Letter (medi |
Paper tray media types | Bond paper,Envelopes,Labels,Plain paper,Recycled p |
JIS B-series sizes (B0...B9) | B5,B6 |
Custom media length | 127 - 355.6 |
Custom media width | 76.2 - 215.9 |
Paper tray media weight | 60 - 163 |
Image formats supported | JPG |
Document formats supported | |
Scan technology | D-CIS |
Scanner type | Flachbett- & ADF-Scanner |
Scanning | Farbscan |
Scan to | Cloud,E-mail Server,FTP,File,Network folder,OCR,US |
Optical scanning resolution | 600 x 600 DPI |
Output colour depth | 24 |
Input colour depth | 48 |
Copying | Farbkopieren |
N-in-1 copy function (N=) | 2,4 |
N-in-1 copy function | Y |
Duplex copying | Ja |
Copy speed (black, normal quality, A4) | 30 cpm |
Maximum number of copies | 999 copies |
Copier resize | 25 - 400 |
Maximum copy resolution | 600 x 600 DPI |
Sonstige Funktionen
Display | LCD |
Control type | Touch |
USB port | Ja |
Internal memory | 512 MB |
Copy speed (colour, normal quality, A4) | 30 cpm |
Operational conditions
Operating relative humidity (H-H) | 20 - 80 |
Storage temperature (T-T) | 0 - 40 |
Operating temperature (T-T) | 10 - 32.5 |
Storage relative humidity (H-H) | 35 - 85 |
Page description languages | BR-Script 3,PCL 5c,PCL 5e,PCL 6,PDF 1.7 |
Duplex printing mode | Auto |
Duplex printing | Ja |
Printing | Farbdruck |
Secure printing | Y |
Print speed (black, normal quality, A4/US Letter) | 30 ppm |
Print speed (colour, normal quality, A4/US Letter) | 30 ppm |
Time to first page (black, normal) | 12.5 s |
Maximum resolution | 600 x 2400 DPI |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 17,600 g |
Height | 401 mm |
Width | 410 mm |
Depth | 462 mm |
Number of print cartridges | 1 |
Printing colours | Schwarz, Cyan, Magenta, Gelb |
Print technology | LED |
Duplex functions | |
Recommended duty cycle | 300 - 4000 |
Wi-Fi standards | 802.11a,802.11b,802.11g,Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) |
Cabling technology | 10/100/1000Base-T(X) |
Supported network protocols (IPv4) | ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP,APIPA(Auto IP), WINS/NetB |
Ethernet LAN data rates | 10,100 |
Ports & interfaces
USB 2.0 ports quantity | 1 |
Ethernet LAN | Ja |
Wi-Fi | Yes |
Near Field Communication (NFC) | Y |
USB connector | USB Type-A / USB Type-B |
Direct printing | Ja |
Security algorithms | WPA2-AES,64-bit WEP,WPA2-PSK,128-bit WEP,WPA2-TKIPWP |
Call management
Speed dialling | Y |
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