- Mobile Computing
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- Displays
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- Communication
- Photo / Video
- Server
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- Cabel & Adapter
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- Security
- Data management
- Network
- Office applications
- Collaboration software
- Graphic / Multimedia
- Virtualization
- Operating systems
- Software
Mobile Computing
Photo / Video
Data management
Office applications
Collaboration software
Graphic / Multimedia
Operating systems
- Print & Scan
- Wide format printer
- DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-008-1738347199461.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTA4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RNME56RTVPVFEyTVM1M1pXSnd8NzU0OWZjNjZkNWY4ZTRhNGRmNjU0ZjMwNTg3OWYzMjlkM2FjN2ExZjk2ZmM0MjQ3NDQyOWI1M2ZhYzY1ODgzMw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-009-1738376833639.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDU4MTR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RNM05qZ3pNell6T1M1M1pXSnd8ODA1ZWIzM2ExYmQ0YjQ5OTcxNWMyMmU1NTVhNmQxNGNiZTZlZDYxN2M0NDFkOTIwYzIyOTExNTExNDAxZWNjYQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-010-1739833546076.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzY0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T1Rnek16VTBOakEzTmk1M1pXSnd8NWUzMjA3YmMyZTU2OGRjZTU4NGRjOTJhYWNjZTFjY2Y2ODdiODU3N2E4YTY1Nzk0NWJhMTAwNDE4NTk1YTkzYw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-011-1738347182922.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjI1Nzh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RNME56RTRNamt5TWk1M1pXSnd8ZTM1N2Q5Y2Q4NDViODY4YzI1MDQzOWVkMmE1ZDMxZThiMjlhM2Y1Yzk3ZjMxMjEwOTU2MDZhMmQ5ZThmZjk3MQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-012-1738347219147.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4MDZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RNME56SXhPVEUwTnk1M1pXSnd8MTA3OTc1ZWZlNzRhZGU4ZGQyM2RhNGVhODlmYzYyZjllZjA1ZGE4Nzk2YzI4ZmUxZWMzMTkxZTc3YzQ3NGEzMQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-013-1739638757426.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODAyNDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UTmZNVGN6T1RZek9EYzFOelF5Tmk1M1pXSnd8OGFhNTdkZTcyMjhkY2M5ZjU3NTdkYzU1ZWQ1YjAxNDJlZTg3MmFkNmFjNjI0OWFmYzdjYTQ5N2JmMDI2ZjI5Nw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-014-1738376846515.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODY2OHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16TTFPVGsyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TXpOVGs1Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TVRSZk1UY3pPRE0zTmpnME5qVXhOUzUzWldKd3w2NDU0OTU2NGUwZWYwMTEyODYzYjEzYWRiYzNhYmU4ODUwYWY5MjVlYzdlMzMwOTc2M2ZmYzhjN2JjNjY0M2E5)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-008-1738347199461.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTA4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RNME56RTVPVFEyTVM1M1pXSnd8NzU0OWZjNjZkNWY4ZTRhNGRmNjU0ZjMwNTg3OWYzMjlkM2FjN2ExZjk2ZmM0MjQ3NDQyOWI1M2ZhYzY1ODgzMw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-009-1738376833639.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDU4MTR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RNM05qZ3pNell6T1M1M1pXSnd8ODA1ZWIzM2ExYmQ0YjQ5OTcxNWMyMmU1NTVhNmQxNGNiZTZlZDYxN2M0NDFkOTIwYzIyOTExNTExNDAxZWNjYQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-010-1739833546076.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzY0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T1Rnek16VTBOakEzTmk1M1pXSnd8NWUzMjA3YmMyZTU2OGRjZTU4NGRjOTJhYWNjZTFjY2Y2ODdiODU3N2E4YTY1Nzk0NWJhMTAwNDE4NTk1YTkzYw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-011-1738347182922.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjI1Nzh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RNME56RTRNamt5TWk1M1pXSnd8ZTM1N2Q5Y2Q4NDViODY4YzI1MDQzOWVkMmE1ZDMxZThiMjlhM2Y1Yzk3ZjMxMjEwOTU2MDZhMmQ5ZThmZjk3MQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-012-1738347219147.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4MDZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RNME56SXhPVEUwTnk1M1pXSnd8MTA3OTc1ZWZlNzRhZGU4ZGQyM2RhNGVhODlmYzYyZjllZjA1ZGE4Nzk2YzI4ZmUxZWMzMTkxZTc3YzQ3NGEzMQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-013-1739638757426.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODAyNDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UTmZNVGN6T1RZek9EYzFOelF5Tmk1M1pXSnd8OGFhNTdkZTcyMjhkY2M5ZjU3NTdkYzU1ZWQ1YjAxNDJlZTg3MmFkNmFjNjI0OWFmYzdjYTQ5N2JmMDI2ZjI5Nw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-014-1738376846515.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODY2OHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16TTFPVGsyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TXpOVGs1Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TVRSZk1UY3pPRE0zTmpnME5qVXhOUzUzWldKd3w2NDU0OTU2NGUwZWYwMTEyODYzYjEzYWRiYzNhYmU4ODUwYWY5MjVlYzdlMzMwOTc2M2ZmYzhjN2JjNjY0M2E5)
+2 Images
7 Images
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-008-1738347199461.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTA4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RNME56RTVPVFEyTVM1M1pXSnd8NzU0OWZjNjZkNWY4ZTRhNGRmNjU0ZjMwNTg3OWYzMjlkM2FjN2ExZjk2ZmM0MjQ3NDQyOWI1M2ZhYzY1ODgzMw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-009-1738376833639.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDU4MTR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RNM05qZ3pNell6T1M1M1pXSnd8ODA1ZWIzM2ExYmQ0YjQ5OTcxNWMyMmU1NTVhNmQxNGNiZTZlZDYxN2M0NDFkOTIwYzIyOTExNTExNDAxZWNjYQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-010-1739833546076.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzY0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T1Rnek16VTBOakEzTmk1M1pXSnd8NWUzMjA3YmMyZTU2OGRjZTU4NGRjOTJhYWNjZTFjY2Y2ODdiODU3N2E4YTY1Nzk0NWJhMTAwNDE4NTk1YTkzYw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-011-1738347182922.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjI1Nzh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RNME56RTRNamt5TWk1M1pXSnd8ZTM1N2Q5Y2Q4NDViODY4YzI1MDQzOWVkMmE1ZDMxZThiMjlhM2Y1Yzk3ZjMxMjEwOTU2MDZhMmQ5ZThmZjk3MQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-012-1738347219147.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4MDZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RNME56SXhPVEUwTnk1M1pXSnd8MTA3OTc1ZWZlNzRhZGU4ZGQyM2RhNGVhODlmYzYyZjllZjA1ZGE4Nzk2YzI4ZmUxZWMzMTkxZTc3YzQ3NGEzMQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-013-1739638757426.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODAyNDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UTmZNVGN6T1RZek9EYzFOelF5Tmk1M1pXSnd8OGFhNTdkZTcyMjhkY2M5ZjU3NTdkYzU1ZWQ1YjAxNDJlZTg3MmFkNmFjNjI0OWFmYzdjYTQ5N2JmMDI2ZjI5Nw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-014-1738376846515.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODY2OHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16TTFPVGsyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TXpOVGs1Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TVRSZk1UY3pPRE0zTmpnME5qVXhOUzUzWldKd3w2NDU0OTU2NGUwZWYwMTEyODYzYjEzYWRiYzNhYmU4ODUwYWY5MjVlYzdlMzMwOTc2M2ZmYzhjN2JjNjY0M2E5)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-008-1738347199461.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTA4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RNME56RTVPVFEyTVM1M1pXSnd8NzU0OWZjNjZkNWY4ZTRhNGRmNjU0ZjMwNTg3OWYzMjlkM2FjN2ExZjk2ZmM0MjQ3NDQyOWI1M2ZhYzY1ODgzMw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-009-1738376833639.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDU4MTR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RNM05qZ3pNell6T1M1M1pXSnd8ODA1ZWIzM2ExYmQ0YjQ5OTcxNWMyMmU1NTVhNmQxNGNiZTZlZDYxN2M0NDFkOTIwYzIyOTExNTExNDAxZWNjYQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-010-1739833546076.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzY0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T1Rnek16VTBOakEzTmk1M1pXSnd8NWUzMjA3YmMyZTU2OGRjZTU4NGRjOTJhYWNjZTFjY2Y2ODdiODU3N2E4YTY1Nzk0NWJhMTAwNDE4NTk1YTkzYw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-011-1738347182922.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjI1Nzh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RNME56RTRNamt5TWk1M1pXSnd8ZTM1N2Q5Y2Q4NDViODY4YzI1MDQzOWVkMmE1ZDMxZThiMjlhM2Y1Yzk3ZjMxMjEwOTU2MDZhMmQ5ZThmZjk3MQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-012-1738347219147.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4MDZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RNME56SXhPVEUwTnk1M1pXSnd8MTA3OTc1ZWZlNzRhZGU4ZGQyM2RhNGVhODlmYzYyZjllZjA1ZGE4Nzk2YzI4ZmUxZWMzMTkxZTc3YzQ3NGEzMQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-013-1739638757426.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODAyNDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UTmZNVGN6T1RZek9EYzFOelF5Tmk1M1pXSnd8OGFhNTdkZTcyMjhkY2M5ZjU3NTdkYzU1ZWQ1YjAxNDJlZTg3MmFkNmFjNjI0OWFmYzdjYTQ5N2JmMDI2ZjI5Nw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-014-1738376846515.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODY2OHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16TTFPVGsyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TXpOVGs1Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TVRSZk1UY3pPRE0zTmpnME5qVXhOUzUzWldKd3w2NDU0OTU2NGUwZWYwMTEyODYzYjEzYWRiYzNhYmU4ODUwYWY5MjVlYzdlMzMwOTc2M2ZmYzhjN2JjNjY0M2E5)
Product description
The world's smallest wide-format printer[4] with a built-in stand, is designed to fit your office, budget, and the way you work. Print multi-size projects with ease. Print your A1 plot as fast as 26 seconds. 1 GB memory.
Dynamic security enabled printer Certain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.
Extreme simplicity
Print multi-size A3 and A1 projects automatically, without manually switching the media source.
Save time with the world's easiest job submission[2]—send multiple files in one click with HP Click.[3]
Print with confidence you'll get the results you expect with an intuitive driver and true print preview.
Fits your office and budget
Save space with the world's smallest plotters[4] designed to fit your office, including a built-in stand.
Use up to 95% less ink for routine maintenance vs competitor and get up to 100 extra A1 pages per month.[5]
More sustainable design reduces CO2e up to 7.3 tons/year by units sold by using up to 30% recycled plastic.[6]
Fits the way you work
Avoid waiting by the printer with high-speed printing as fast as 26 seconds per A1 plot.
Be more productive—save time from job prep to final print by printing your projects up to 2x faster.[2]
Print your jobs and manage your plotter from virtually anywhere, anytime with the HP Smart app.
Get high-quality results—HP Bright Office Inks plot up to 31% more line accuracy and up to 65% more gamut.[7]
[1] The HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and the HP DesignJet Studio Printer series are the only solutions providing seamless printing of both large- and small-format sheets automatically in a multi-size print basket compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[2] Three-click printing with HP Click software compared to up to 11 clicks with competitive alternatives when printing 5 files of different sizes. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files. Based on testing the HP DesignJet T650 36-in Printer, from job prep to print is up to 2x faster than competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[3] One-click printing with HP Click software. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files.
[4] HP DesignJet T650 36-in series printers are up to 17% smaller compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020. The world's smallest large-format plotters based on most compact footprint.
[5] Based on HP internal testing, January 2020, comparing the HP DesignJet T200 Printer, that uses the same ink and print mode as the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series, and Canon TM-200 and TM-300 Printers in terms of ink used during routine printhead cleanings.
[6] More sustainable design compared to the previous printer models (HP DesignJet T500 Printer series) replaced with the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series. Based on calculations in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 Life Cycle Assessments using ReCiPe (H) v. 1.1 (2016) on GaBi 8.5 (2018) software and scaled to reflect expected yearly sales.
[7] Up to 31% more line accuracy based on HP internal testing, September 2019 of 1 pixel vertical line straightness comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes. Up to 65% more colour gamut based on HP internal testing, September 2019, of gamut volume comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on Oce 75gsm plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes.
Technical specification disclaimers
Mechanical printing time. Printed in Fast mode with Economode on, using HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (bond) and Original HP inks. Actual performance may vary based on a variety of conditions, including but not limited to network configuration.
Calculation done taking into account two normal printhead cleanings and ink on an A1 CAD drawing with black and colour lines and a pixel coverage of 5.2%.
±0.1% of the specified vector length or ±0.2 mm (whichever greater) at 23ºC, 50-60% relative humidity, on A0 printing material in Best or Normal mode with HP Heavyweight Coated roll feed and Original HP inks.
With HP Premium Instant Dry Photo Gloss media with Original HP inks.
BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see http://www.fsc.org. HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see http://www.fsc.org.
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
Dynamic security enabled printer Certain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.
Extreme simplicity
Print multi-size A3 and A1 projects automatically, without manually switching the media source.
Save time with the world's easiest job submission[2]—send multiple files in one click with HP Click.[3]
Print with confidence you'll get the results you expect with an intuitive driver and true print preview.
Fits your office and budget
Save space with the world's smallest plotters[4] designed to fit your office, including a built-in stand.
Use up to 95% less ink for routine maintenance vs competitor and get up to 100 extra A1 pages per month.[5]
More sustainable design reduces CO2e up to 7.3 tons/year by units sold by using up to 30% recycled plastic.[6]
Fits the way you work
Avoid waiting by the printer with high-speed printing as fast as 26 seconds per A1 plot.
Be more productive—save time from job prep to final print by printing your projects up to 2x faster.[2]
Print your jobs and manage your plotter from virtually anywhere, anytime with the HP Smart app.
Get high-quality results—HP Bright Office Inks plot up to 31% more line accuracy and up to 65% more gamut.[7]
[1] The HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and the HP DesignJet Studio Printer series are the only solutions providing seamless printing of both large- and small-format sheets automatically in a multi-size print basket compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[2] Three-click printing with HP Click software compared to up to 11 clicks with competitive alternatives when printing 5 files of different sizes. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files. Based on testing the HP DesignJet T650 36-in Printer, from job prep to print is up to 2x faster than competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[3] One-click printing with HP Click software. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files.
[4] HP DesignJet T650 36-in series printers are up to 17% smaller compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020. The world's smallest large-format plotters based on most compact footprint.
[5] Based on HP internal testing, January 2020, comparing the HP DesignJet T200 Printer, that uses the same ink and print mode as the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series, and Canon TM-200 and TM-300 Printers in terms of ink used during routine printhead cleanings.
[6] More sustainable design compared to the previous printer models (HP DesignJet T500 Printer series) replaced with the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series. Based on calculations in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 Life Cycle Assessments using ReCiPe (H) v. 1.1 (2016) on GaBi 8.5 (2018) software and scaled to reflect expected yearly sales.
[7] Up to 31% more line accuracy based on HP internal testing, September 2019 of 1 pixel vertical line straightness comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes. Up to 65% more colour gamut based on HP internal testing, September 2019, of gamut volume comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on Oce 75gsm plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes.
Technical specification disclaimers
Mechanical printing time. Printed in Fast mode with Economode on, using HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (bond) and Original HP inks. Actual performance may vary based on a variety of conditions, including but not limited to network configuration.
Calculation done taking into account two normal printhead cleanings and ink on an A1 CAD drawing with black and colour lines and a pixel coverage of 5.2%.
±0.1% of the specified vector length or ±0.2 mm (whichever greater) at 23ºC, 50-60% relative humidity, on A0 printing material in Best or Normal mode with HP Heavyweight Coated roll feed and Original HP inks.
With HP Premium Instant Dry Photo Gloss media with Original HP inks.
BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see http://www.fsc.org. HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see http://www.fsc.org.
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
Technical specifications
Product colour | Black |
Built-in display | N |
Power consumption (standby) | 0.2 W |
AC input voltage | 100 - 240 |
AC input frequency | 50 - 60 |
Package weight | 38,000 g |
Package depth | 575 mm |
Package width | 1,155 mm |
Package height | 475 mm |
Paper handling
ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) | A1,A2,A3,A4 |
Paper tray media types | Bond paper,Glossy paper,Heavy paper,Plain paper,Sa |
Cut sheets | Y |
Scanning | N |
Copying | N |
Sonstige Funktionen
Colour | Y |
USB port | Y |
Internal memory | 1,024 MB |
Sustainability certificates | ENERGY STAR |
Operational conditions
Operating relative humidity (H-H) | 20 - 80 |
Storage temperature (T-T) | -25 - 55 |
Operating temperature (T-T) | 5 - 40 |
Storage relative humidity (H-H) | 0 - 95 |
Page description languages | CALS G4,HP-GL/2,HP-RTL,JPEG,URF |
Maximum resolution | 2400 x 1200 |
Maximum roll diameter | 100 mm |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 29,500 g |
Height | 932 mm |
Width | 1,013 mm |
Depth | 605 mm |
Number of print cartridges | 4 |
Printing colours | Black,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow |
Print technology | Thermal inkjet |
Ports & interfaces
Ethernet LAN | Y |
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ID: 335996
HP Inc. ID: 5HB08A#B19
DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp
Detailed product title
Detailed product title
HP DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dpi bis zu 0.43 Min./Seite (einfarbig)/ bis zu 0.4 3 Min./Seite (Farbe) 1GB RAM USB/Ethernet/Wi-Fi HP RTL, CALS G4, HP GL/2, URF, JPEG 101,3x60,5x93,2cm 29,5kg
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-008-1738347199461.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTA4NjZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EaGZNVGN6T0RNME56RTVPVFEyTVM1M1pXSnd8NzU0OWZjNjZkNWY4ZTRhNGRmNjU0ZjMwNTg3OWYzMjlkM2FjN2ExZjk2ZmM0MjQ3NDQyOWI1M2ZhYzY1ODgzMw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-009-1738376833639.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDU4MTR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EbGZNVGN6T0RNM05qZ3pNell6T1M1M1pXSnd8ODA1ZWIzM2ExYmQ0YjQ5OTcxNWMyMmU1NTVhNmQxNGNiZTZlZDYxN2M0NDFkOTIwYzIyOTExNTExNDAxZWNjYQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-010-1739833546076.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MzY0MDR8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UQmZNVGN6T1Rnek16VTBOakEzTmk1M1pXSnd8NWUzMjA3YmMyZTU2OGRjZTU4NGRjOTJhYWNjZTFjY2Y2ODdiODU3N2E4YTY1Nzk0NWJhMTAwNDE4NTk1YTkzYw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-011-1738347182922.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjI1Nzh8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01URmZNVGN6T0RNME56RTRNamt5TWk1M1pXSnd8ZTM1N2Q5Y2Q4NDViODY4YzI1MDQzOWVkMmE1ZDMxZThiMjlhM2Y1Yzk3ZjMxMjEwOTU2MDZhMmQ5ZThmZjk3MQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-012-1738347219147.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Mjk4MDZ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01USmZNVGN6T0RNME56SXhPVEUwTnk1M1pXSnd8MTA3OTc1ZWZlNzRhZGU4ZGQyM2RhNGVhODlmYzYyZjllZjA1ZGE4Nzk2YzI4ZmUxZWMzMTkxZTc3YzQ3NGEzMQ)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-013-1739638757426.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODAyNDJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZNek0xT1RrMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYek16TlRrNU5sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01UTmZNVGN6T1RZek9EYzFOelF5Tmk1M1pXSnd8OGFhNTdkZTcyMjhkY2M5ZjU3NTdkYzU1ZWQ1YjAxNDJlZTg3MmFkNmFjNjI0OWFmYzdjYTQ5N2JmMDI2ZjI5Nw)
![DesignJet T650 610 mm (24") Großformatdrucker Farbtintenstrahldrucker 2400x1200dp](/medias/1200Wx1200H-335996-image-014-1738376846515.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8ODY2OHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk16TTFPVGsyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6TXpOVGs1Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TVRSZk1UY3pPRE0zTmpnME5qVXhOUzUzWldKd3w2NDU0OTU2NGUwZWYwMTEyODYzYjEzYWRiYzNhYmU4ODUwYWY5MjVlYzdlMzMwOTc2M2ZmYzhjN2JjNjY0M2E5)
7 Images
Maximum resolution 2400 x 1200
Print technology Thermal inkjet
ship in 4-7 days
Added to cart
ship in 4-7 days
Product description
The world's smallest wide-format printer[4] with a built-in stand, is designed to fit your office, budget, and the way you work. Print multi-size projects with ease. Print your A1 plot as fast as 26 seconds. 1 GB memory.
Dynamic security enabled printer Certain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.
Extreme simplicity
Print multi-size A3 and A1 projects automatically, without manually switching the media source.
Save time with the world's easiest job submission[2]—send multiple files in one click with HP Click.[3]
Print with confidence you'll get the results you expect with an intuitive driver and true print preview.
Fits your office and budget
Save space with the world's smallest plotters[4] designed to fit your office, including a built-in stand.
Use up to 95% less ink for routine maintenance vs competitor and get up to 100 extra A1 pages per month.[5]
More sustainable design reduces CO2e up to 7.3 tons/year by units sold by using up to 30% recycled plastic.[6]
Fits the way you work
Avoid waiting by the printer with high-speed printing as fast as 26 seconds per A1 plot.
Be more productive—save time from job prep to final print by printing your projects up to 2x faster.[2]
Print your jobs and manage your plotter from virtually anywhere, anytime with the HP Smart app.
Get high-quality results—HP Bright Office Inks plot up to 31% more line accuracy and up to 65% more gamut.[7]
[1] The HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and the HP DesignJet Studio Printer series are the only solutions providing seamless printing of both large- and small-format sheets automatically in a multi-size print basket compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[2] Three-click printing with HP Click software compared to up to 11 clicks with competitive alternatives when printing 5 files of different sizes. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files. Based on testing the HP DesignJet T650 36-in Printer, from job prep to print is up to 2x faster than competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[3] One-click printing with HP Click software. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files.
[4] HP DesignJet T650 36-in series printers are up to 17% smaller compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020. The world's smallest large-format plotters based on most compact footprint.
[5] Based on HP internal testing, January 2020, comparing the HP DesignJet T200 Printer, that uses the same ink and print mode as the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series, and Canon TM-200 and TM-300 Printers in terms of ink used during routine printhead cleanings.
[6] More sustainable design compared to the previous printer models (HP DesignJet T500 Printer series) replaced with the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series. Based on calculations in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 Life Cycle Assessments using ReCiPe (H) v. 1.1 (2016) on GaBi 8.5 (2018) software and scaled to reflect expected yearly sales.
[7] Up to 31% more line accuracy based on HP internal testing, September 2019 of 1 pixel vertical line straightness comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes. Up to 65% more colour gamut based on HP internal testing, September 2019, of gamut volume comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on Oce 75gsm plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes.
Technical specification disclaimers
Mechanical printing time. Printed in Fast mode with Economode on, using HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (bond) and Original HP inks. Actual performance may vary based on a variety of conditions, including but not limited to network configuration.
Calculation done taking into account two normal printhead cleanings and ink on an A1 CAD drawing with black and colour lines and a pixel coverage of 5.2%.
±0.1% of the specified vector length or ±0.2 mm (whichever greater) at 23ºC, 50-60% relative humidity, on A0 printing material in Best or Normal mode with HP Heavyweight Coated roll feed and Original HP inks.
With HP Premium Instant Dry Photo Gloss media with Original HP inks.
BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see http://www.fsc.org. HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see http://www.fsc.org.
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
Dynamic security enabled printer Certain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.
Extreme simplicity
Print multi-size A3 and A1 projects automatically, without manually switching the media source.
Save time with the world's easiest job submission[2]—send multiple files in one click with HP Click.[3]
Print with confidence you'll get the results you expect with an intuitive driver and true print preview.
Fits your office and budget
Save space with the world's smallest plotters[4] designed to fit your office, including a built-in stand.
Use up to 95% less ink for routine maintenance vs competitor and get up to 100 extra A1 pages per month.[5]
More sustainable design reduces CO2e up to 7.3 tons/year by units sold by using up to 30% recycled plastic.[6]
Fits the way you work
Avoid waiting by the printer with high-speed printing as fast as 26 seconds per A1 plot.
Be more productive—save time from job prep to final print by printing your projects up to 2x faster.[2]
Print your jobs and manage your plotter from virtually anywhere, anytime with the HP Smart app.
Get high-quality results—HP Bright Office Inks plot up to 31% more line accuracy and up to 65% more gamut.[7]
[1] The HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and the HP DesignJet Studio Printer series are the only solutions providing seamless printing of both large- and small-format sheets automatically in a multi-size print basket compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[2] Three-click printing with HP Click software compared to up to 11 clicks with competitive alternatives when printing 5 files of different sizes. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files. Based on testing the HP DesignJet T650 36-in Printer, from job prep to print is up to 2x faster than competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020.
[3] One-click printing with HP Click software. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DWF, and HP-GL/2 files.
[4] HP DesignJet T650 36-in series printers are up to 17% smaller compared to competitive alternatives with comparable size and features as of January, 2020. The world's smallest large-format plotters based on most compact footprint.
[5] Based on HP internal testing, January 2020, comparing the HP DesignJet T200 Printer, that uses the same ink and print mode as the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series, and Canon TM-200 and TM-300 Printers in terms of ink used during routine printhead cleanings.
[6] More sustainable design compared to the previous printer models (HP DesignJet T500 Printer series) replaced with the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series. Based on calculations in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 Life Cycle Assessments using ReCiPe (H) v. 1.1 (2016) on GaBi 8.5 (2018) software and scaled to reflect expected yearly sales.
[7] Up to 31% more line accuracy based on HP internal testing, September 2019 of 1 pixel vertical line straightness comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes. Up to 65% more colour gamut based on HP internal testing, September 2019, of gamut volume comparing prints from the HP DesignJet T600 Printer series and Canon TM-305 Printer on Oce 75gsm plain paper using equivalent fast/draft print modes.
Technical specification disclaimers
Mechanical printing time. Printed in Fast mode with Economode on, using HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (bond) and Original HP inks. Actual performance may vary based on a variety of conditions, including but not limited to network configuration.
Calculation done taking into account two normal printhead cleanings and ink on an A1 CAD drawing with black and colour lines and a pixel coverage of 5.2%.
±0.1% of the specified vector length or ±0.2 mm (whichever greater) at 23ºC, 50-60% relative humidity, on A0 printing material in Best or Normal mode with HP Heavyweight Coated roll feed and Original HP inks.
With HP Premium Instant Dry Photo Gloss media with Original HP inks.
BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see http://www.fsc.org. HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see http://www.fsc.org.
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
Technical specifications
Product colour | Black |
Built-in display | N |
Power consumption (standby) | 0.2 W |
AC input voltage | 100 - 240 |
AC input frequency | 50 - 60 |
Package weight | 38,000 g |
Package depth | 575 mm |
Package width | 1,155 mm |
Package height | 475 mm |
Paper handling
ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) | A1,A2,A3,A4 |
Paper tray media types | Bond paper,Glossy paper,Heavy paper,Plain paper,Sa |
Cut sheets | Y |
Scanning | N |
Copying | N |
Sonstige Funktionen
Colour | Y |
USB port | Y |
Internal memory | 1,024 MB |
Sustainability certificates | ENERGY STAR |
Operational conditions
Operating relative humidity (H-H) | 20 - 80 |
Storage temperature (T-T) | -25 - 55 |
Operating temperature (T-T) | 5 - 40 |
Storage relative humidity (H-H) | 0 - 95 |
Page description languages | CALS G4,HP-GL/2,HP-RTL,JPEG,URF |
Maximum resolution | 2400 x 1200 |
Maximum roll diameter | 100 mm |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 29,500 g |
Height | 932 mm |
Width | 1,013 mm |
Depth | 605 mm |
Number of print cartridges | 4 |
Printing colours | Black,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow |
Print technology | Thermal inkjet |
Ports & interfaces
Ethernet LAN | Y |
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