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- AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-001-1738820959151.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE2MzJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORE0xTVRBMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelF6TlRFd05sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RneU1EazFPVEUxTVM1M1pXSnd8NDY0NTViNTUwNTIzZDgyMTQ3YWZmOTc3YTIyNTRkOGIwZjJjZGM0YjQ3MGU4MTBlYTc4MDJkNzRiM2Y1YmUyYg)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-002-1739259803508.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTk4NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEkxT1Rnd016VXdPQzUzWldKd3wwZmYxZTgzY2YzMjJiMzc5YjFjNWExNjM2MDRhYjQ1OWU2MTRjNjA5YWI4MjYzYmE3N2Q1YmE4YTBmZmIxNGYw)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-003-1738828555288.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzUzNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMU5USTRPQzUzWldKd3w3NjE2MTZlYTlhYjhlMGVlNDA0NDU5ZWI1MGU0MjE1MjY4NDE3MGZkMGY4M2FjZDE2MGMzZTAxNGEwMzZhZjFl)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-004-1738828566315.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTUxMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMk5qTXhOUzUzWldKd3wyMjBiNzk4NWRhOGI1ZmEyNzRiNWY5ODIxY2RjNGQwNWVjMjIyNmYyMzRmMTY5NWQ4ZTMzOWU5Y2JjOWE2OTM1)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-005-1739259795669.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDkwMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPVEkxT1RjNU5UWTJPUzUzWldKd3w3YzgyY2RlOWZmZjc4YmRiOWZkMzMxM2UzMDA4YmUxNjQ0NWE0YzcwYjg1NzdmZGRjY2U4YTc3NDBkYjdjYzc5)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-006-1738828543978.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Nzk1NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVME16azNPQzUzWldKd3w2ODcyYTk0NjVlYTY0MzFjYWJmYWJjNDcyZmJjNjBhOTUwMjNjNmY2NmNhMjdmMjhiODY4OWFhNmJlNjhkNDdh)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-001-1738820959151.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE2MzJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORE0xTVRBMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelF6TlRFd05sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RneU1EazFPVEUxTVM1M1pXSnd8NDY0NTViNTUwNTIzZDgyMTQ3YWZmOTc3YTIyNTRkOGIwZjJjZGM0YjQ3MGU4MTBlYTc4MDJkNzRiM2Y1YmUyYg)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-002-1739259803508.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTk4NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEkxT1Rnd016VXdPQzUzWldKd3wwZmYxZTgzY2YzMjJiMzc5YjFjNWExNjM2MDRhYjQ1OWU2MTRjNjA5YWI4MjYzYmE3N2Q1YmE4YTBmZmIxNGYw)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-003-1738828555288.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzUzNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMU5USTRPQzUzWldKd3w3NjE2MTZlYTlhYjhlMGVlNDA0NDU5ZWI1MGU0MjE1MjY4NDE3MGZkMGY4M2FjZDE2MGMzZTAxNGEwMzZhZjFl)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-004-1738828566315.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTUxMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMk5qTXhOUzUzWldKd3wyMjBiNzk4NWRhOGI1ZmEyNzRiNWY5ODIxY2RjNGQwNWVjMjIyNmYyMzRmMTY5NWQ4ZTMzOWU5Y2JjOWE2OTM1)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-005-1739259795669.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDkwMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPVEkxT1RjNU5UWTJPUzUzWldKd3w3YzgyY2RlOWZmZjc4YmRiOWZkMzMxM2UzMDA4YmUxNjQ0NWE0YzcwYjg1NzdmZGRjY2U4YTc3NDBkYjdjYzc5)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-006-1738828543978.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Nzk1NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVME16azNPQzUzWldKd3w2ODcyYTk0NjVlYTY0MzFjYWJmYWJjNDcyZmJjNjBhOTUwMjNjNmY2NmNhMjdmMjhiODY4OWFhNmJlNjhkNDdh)
+1 Images
6 Images
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-001-1738820959151.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE2MzJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORE0xTVRBMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelF6TlRFd05sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RneU1EazFPVEUxTVM1M1pXSnd8NDY0NTViNTUwNTIzZDgyMTQ3YWZmOTc3YTIyNTRkOGIwZjJjZGM0YjQ3MGU4MTBlYTc4MDJkNzRiM2Y1YmUyYg)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-002-1739259803508.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTk4NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEkxT1Rnd016VXdPQzUzWldKd3wwZmYxZTgzY2YzMjJiMzc5YjFjNWExNjM2MDRhYjQ1OWU2MTRjNjA5YWI4MjYzYmE3N2Q1YmE4YTBmZmIxNGYw)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-003-1738828555288.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzUzNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMU5USTRPQzUzWldKd3w3NjE2MTZlYTlhYjhlMGVlNDA0NDU5ZWI1MGU0MjE1MjY4NDE3MGZkMGY4M2FjZDE2MGMzZTAxNGEwMzZhZjFl)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-004-1738828566315.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTUxMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMk5qTXhOUzUzWldKd3wyMjBiNzk4NWRhOGI1ZmEyNzRiNWY5ODIxY2RjNGQwNWVjMjIyNmYyMzRmMTY5NWQ4ZTMzOWU5Y2JjOWE2OTM1)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-005-1739259795669.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDkwMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPVEkxT1RjNU5UWTJPUzUzWldKd3w3YzgyY2RlOWZmZjc4YmRiOWZkMzMxM2UzMDA4YmUxNjQ0NWE0YzcwYjg1NzdmZGRjY2U4YTc3NDBkYjdjYzc5)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-006-1738828543978.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Nzk1NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVME16azNPQzUzWldKd3w2ODcyYTk0NjVlYTY0MzFjYWJmYWJjNDcyZmJjNjBhOTUwMjNjNmY2NmNhMjdmMjhiODY4OWFhNmJlNjhkNDdh)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-001-1738820959151.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE2MzJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORE0xTVRBMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelF6TlRFd05sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RneU1EazFPVEUxTVM1M1pXSnd8NDY0NTViNTUwNTIzZDgyMTQ3YWZmOTc3YTIyNTRkOGIwZjJjZGM0YjQ3MGU4MTBlYTc4MDJkNzRiM2Y1YmUyYg)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-002-1739259803508.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTk4NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEkxT1Rnd016VXdPQzUzWldKd3wwZmYxZTgzY2YzMjJiMzc5YjFjNWExNjM2MDRhYjQ1OWU2MTRjNjA5YWI4MjYzYmE3N2Q1YmE4YTBmZmIxNGYw)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-003-1738828555288.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzUzNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMU5USTRPQzUzWldKd3w3NjE2MTZlYTlhYjhlMGVlNDA0NDU5ZWI1MGU0MjE1MjY4NDE3MGZkMGY4M2FjZDE2MGMzZTAxNGEwMzZhZjFl)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-004-1738828566315.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTUxMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMk5qTXhOUzUzWldKd3wyMjBiNzk4NWRhOGI1ZmEyNzRiNWY5ODIxY2RjNGQwNWVjMjIyNmYyMzRmMTY5NWQ4ZTMzOWU5Y2JjOWE2OTM1)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-005-1739259795669.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDkwMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPVEkxT1RjNU5UWTJPUzUzWldKd3w3YzgyY2RlOWZmZjc4YmRiOWZkMzMxM2UzMDA4YmUxNjQ0NWE0YzcwYjg1NzdmZGRjY2U4YTc3NDBkYjdjYzc5)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-006-1738828543978.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Nzk1NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVME16azNPQzUzWldKd3w2ODcyYTk0NjVlYTY0MzFjYWJmYWJjNDcyZmJjNjBhOTUwMjNjNmY2NmNhMjdmMjhiODY4OWFhNmJlNjhkNDdh)
Product description
Rebuilt from the sound up
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver up to 2x more Active Noise Cancellation than the previous generation, with Transparency mode that enables you to hear the world around you. All-new Adaptive Audio that dynamically tailors noise control to your environment. Conversation Awareness helps lower media volume and enhance the voices in front of you while you’re interacting with others. A single charge delivers up to 6 hours of battery life. And Touch control lets you easily adjust volume with a swipe. The MagSafe Charging Case is a marvel on its own with Precision Finding, built-in speaker, and lanyard loop.
Superior audio quality
The upgraded H2 chip powers smarter noise cancellation and three-dimensional sound. Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears in real time to deliver crisp, clean high notes and deep, rich bass in stunning clarity.
Intelligent sound
Active Noise Cancellation removes twice as much unwanted noise, so nothing interrupts your listening during a commute and when you need to focus. Transparency mode reduces and adjusts down the intensity of loud noises at 48,000 times per second, so you can comfortably hear the world around you. And Adaptive Audio dynamically blends Transparency mode with Active Noise Cancellation to deliver the best listening experience for you in any environment.
Personalized listening
A listening experience all your own. Pick from four sizes of flexible silicone ear tips (XS, S, M, L) for an ideal acoustic seal and fit. Personalized Volume adjusts sound to your listening preferences over time and in different environments. Conversation Awareness automatically lowers the volume of what’s playing, enhances voices in front of you, and reduces background noise.¹⁶ Personalized Spatial Audio with dynamic head tracking tailors the listening experience by precisely placing sound elements in the space around you.ᴼ Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears, so you hear consistently detailed playback, every time.
Expanded battery life
Enjoy up to 6 hours of listening time on a single charge, and up to 30 hours of listening time with the MagSafe Charging Case. Recharge the MagSafe Charging Case with an Apple Watch or MagSafe charger. You can also use a USB-C connector or a Qi‑certified charger.
Powerful charging case
The MagSafe Charging Case includes the U1 chip with Precision Finding to help you identify the location of your case. And if you’re nearby but you can’t find it, you can play a sound from the built-in speaker. A built-in lanyard loop˄ lets you attach your case to a backpack or handbag, so it’s always within reach. And both AirPods Pro and the MagSafe Charging Case are built to brave the elements, with IP54 dust, sweat, and water resistance.
More magical than ever
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver an even more effortless experience than the original model. Touch control lets you manage playback functions from the stem and adjust volume with a light swipe up or down. Have Siri read your important messages and alerts as they arrive with Announce Notifications. Easily share a song or show between any two sets of AirPods with Audio Sharing. And as always, AirPods Pro magically connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch, and sound moves seamlessly when you switch between your favorite Apple devices.
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver up to 2x more Active Noise Cancellation than the previous generation, with Transparency mode that enables you to hear the world around you. All-new Adaptive Audio that dynamically tailors noise control to your environment. Conversation Awareness helps lower media volume and enhance the voices in front of you while you’re interacting with others. A single charge delivers up to 6 hours of battery life. And Touch control lets you easily adjust volume with a swipe. The MagSafe Charging Case is a marvel on its own with Precision Finding, built-in speaker, and lanyard loop.
Superior audio quality
The upgraded H2 chip powers smarter noise cancellation and three-dimensional sound. Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears in real time to deliver crisp, clean high notes and deep, rich bass in stunning clarity.
Intelligent sound
Active Noise Cancellation removes twice as much unwanted noise, so nothing interrupts your listening during a commute and when you need to focus. Transparency mode reduces and adjusts down the intensity of loud noises at 48,000 times per second, so you can comfortably hear the world around you. And Adaptive Audio dynamically blends Transparency mode with Active Noise Cancellation to deliver the best listening experience for you in any environment.
Personalized listening
A listening experience all your own. Pick from four sizes of flexible silicone ear tips (XS, S, M, L) for an ideal acoustic seal and fit. Personalized Volume adjusts sound to your listening preferences over time and in different environments. Conversation Awareness automatically lowers the volume of what’s playing, enhances voices in front of you, and reduces background noise.¹⁶ Personalized Spatial Audio with dynamic head tracking tailors the listening experience by precisely placing sound elements in the space around you.ᴼ Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears, so you hear consistently detailed playback, every time.
Expanded battery life
Enjoy up to 6 hours of listening time on a single charge, and up to 30 hours of listening time with the MagSafe Charging Case. Recharge the MagSafe Charging Case with an Apple Watch or MagSafe charger. You can also use a USB-C connector or a Qi‑certified charger.
Powerful charging case
The MagSafe Charging Case includes the U1 chip with Precision Finding to help you identify the location of your case. And if you’re nearby but you can’t find it, you can play a sound from the built-in speaker. A built-in lanyard loop˄ lets you attach your case to a backpack or handbag, so it’s always within reach. And both AirPods Pro and the MagSafe Charging Case are built to brave the elements, with IP54 dust, sweat, and water resistance.
More magical than ever
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver an even more effortless experience than the original model. Touch control lets you manage playback functions from the stem and adjust volume with a light swipe up or down. Have Siri read your important messages and alerts as they arrive with Announce Notifications. Easily share a song or show between any two sets of AirPods with Audio Sharing. And as always, AirPods Pro magically connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch, and sound moves seamlessly when you switch between your favorite Apple devices.
ID: 435106
AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)
Detailed product title
Detailed product title
Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Case (USB-C)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-001-1738820959151.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTE2MzJ8aW1hZ2Uvd2VicHxjSEp2WkhWamRITXZORE0xTVRBMkx6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelF6TlRFd05sOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ERmZNVGN6T0RneU1EazFPVEUxTVM1M1pXSnd8NDY0NTViNTUwNTIzZDgyMTQ3YWZmOTc3YTIyNTRkOGIwZjJjZGM0YjQ3MGU4MTBlYTc4MDJkNzRiM2Y1YmUyYg)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-002-1739259803508.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8OTk4NHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURKZk1UY3pPVEkxT1Rnd016VXdPQzUzWldKd3wwZmYxZTgzY2YzMjJiMzc5YjFjNWExNjM2MDRhYjQ1OWU2MTRjNjA5YWI4MjYzYmE3N2Q1YmE4YTBmZmIxNGYw)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-003-1738828555288.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzUzNnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TUROZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMU5USTRPQzUzWldKd3w3NjE2MTZlYTlhYjhlMGVlNDA0NDU5ZWI1MGU0MjE1MjY4NDE3MGZkMGY4M2FjZDE2MGMzZTAxNGEwMzZhZjFl)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-004-1738828566315.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NTUxMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURSZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVMk5qTXhOUzUzWldKd3wyMjBiNzk4NWRhOGI1ZmEyNzRiNWY5ODIxY2RjNGQwNWVjMjIyNmYyMzRmMTY5NWQ4ZTMzOWU5Y2JjOWE2OTM1)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-005-1739259795669.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDkwMHxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPVEkxT1RjNU5UWTJPUzUzWldKd3w3YzgyY2RlOWZmZjc4YmRiOWZkMzMxM2UzMDA4YmUxNjQ0NWE0YzcwYjg1NzdmZGRjY2U4YTc3NDBkYjdjYzc5)
![AirPods Pro (2. Generation) mit MagSafe Case (USB-C)](/medias/1200Wx1200H-435106-image-006-1738828543978.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8Nzk1NnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk5ETTFNVEEyTHpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6UXpOVEV3Tmw5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURaZk1UY3pPRGd5T0RVME16azNPQzUzWldKd3w2ODcyYTk0NjVlYTY0MzFjYWJmYWJjNDcyZmJjNjBhOTUwMjNjNmY2NmNhMjdmMjhiODY4OWFhNmJlNjhkNDdh)
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Product description
Rebuilt from the sound up
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver up to 2x more Active Noise Cancellation than the previous generation, with Transparency mode that enables you to hear the world around you. All-new Adaptive Audio that dynamically tailors noise control to your environment. Conversation Awareness helps lower media volume and enhance the voices in front of you while you’re interacting with others. A single charge delivers up to 6 hours of battery life. And Touch control lets you easily adjust volume with a swipe. The MagSafe Charging Case is a marvel on its own with Precision Finding, built-in speaker, and lanyard loop.
Superior audio quality
The upgraded H2 chip powers smarter noise cancellation and three-dimensional sound. Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears in real time to deliver crisp, clean high notes and deep, rich bass in stunning clarity.
Intelligent sound
Active Noise Cancellation removes twice as much unwanted noise, so nothing interrupts your listening during a commute and when you need to focus. Transparency mode reduces and adjusts down the intensity of loud noises at 48,000 times per second, so you can comfortably hear the world around you. And Adaptive Audio dynamically blends Transparency mode with Active Noise Cancellation to deliver the best listening experience for you in any environment.
Personalized listening
A listening experience all your own. Pick from four sizes of flexible silicone ear tips (XS, S, M, L) for an ideal acoustic seal and fit. Personalized Volume adjusts sound to your listening preferences over time and in different environments. Conversation Awareness automatically lowers the volume of what’s playing, enhances voices in front of you, and reduces background noise.¹⁶ Personalized Spatial Audio with dynamic head tracking tailors the listening experience by precisely placing sound elements in the space around you.ᴼ Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears, so you hear consistently detailed playback, every time.
Expanded battery life
Enjoy up to 6 hours of listening time on a single charge, and up to 30 hours of listening time with the MagSafe Charging Case. Recharge the MagSafe Charging Case with an Apple Watch or MagSafe charger. You can also use a USB-C connector or a Qi‑certified charger.
Powerful charging case
The MagSafe Charging Case includes the U1 chip with Precision Finding to help you identify the location of your case. And if you’re nearby but you can’t find it, you can play a sound from the built-in speaker. A built-in lanyard loop˄ lets you attach your case to a backpack or handbag, so it’s always within reach. And both AirPods Pro and the MagSafe Charging Case are built to brave the elements, with IP54 dust, sweat, and water resistance.
More magical than ever
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver an even more effortless experience than the original model. Touch control lets you manage playback functions from the stem and adjust volume with a light swipe up or down. Have Siri read your important messages and alerts as they arrive with Announce Notifications. Easily share a song or show between any two sets of AirPods with Audio Sharing. And as always, AirPods Pro magically connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch, and sound moves seamlessly when you switch between your favorite Apple devices.
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver up to 2x more Active Noise Cancellation than the previous generation, with Transparency mode that enables you to hear the world around you. All-new Adaptive Audio that dynamically tailors noise control to your environment. Conversation Awareness helps lower media volume and enhance the voices in front of you while you’re interacting with others. A single charge delivers up to 6 hours of battery life. And Touch control lets you easily adjust volume with a swipe. The MagSafe Charging Case is a marvel on its own with Precision Finding, built-in speaker, and lanyard loop.
Superior audio quality
The upgraded H2 chip powers smarter noise cancellation and three-dimensional sound. Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears in real time to deliver crisp, clean high notes and deep, rich bass in stunning clarity.
Intelligent sound
Active Noise Cancellation removes twice as much unwanted noise, so nothing interrupts your listening during a commute and when you need to focus. Transparency mode reduces and adjusts down the intensity of loud noises at 48,000 times per second, so you can comfortably hear the world around you. And Adaptive Audio dynamically blends Transparency mode with Active Noise Cancellation to deliver the best listening experience for you in any environment.
Personalized listening
A listening experience all your own. Pick from four sizes of flexible silicone ear tips (XS, S, M, L) for an ideal acoustic seal and fit. Personalized Volume adjusts sound to your listening preferences over time and in different environments. Conversation Awareness automatically lowers the volume of what’s playing, enhances voices in front of you, and reduces background noise.¹⁶ Personalized Spatial Audio with dynamic head tracking tailors the listening experience by precisely placing sound elements in the space around you.ᴼ Adaptive EQ tunes music to your ears, so you hear consistently detailed playback, every time.
Expanded battery life
Enjoy up to 6 hours of listening time on a single charge, and up to 30 hours of listening time with the MagSafe Charging Case. Recharge the MagSafe Charging Case with an Apple Watch or MagSafe charger. You can also use a USB-C connector or a Qi‑certified charger.
Powerful charging case
The MagSafe Charging Case includes the U1 chip with Precision Finding to help you identify the location of your case. And if you’re nearby but you can’t find it, you can play a sound from the built-in speaker. A built-in lanyard loop˄ lets you attach your case to a backpack or handbag, so it’s always within reach. And both AirPods Pro and the MagSafe Charging Case are built to brave the elements, with IP54 dust, sweat, and water resistance.
More magical than ever
AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C) deliver an even more effortless experience than the original model. Touch control lets you manage playback functions from the stem and adjust volume with a light swipe up or down. Have Siri read your important messages and alerts as they arrive with Announce Notifications. Easily share a song or show between any two sets of AirPods with Audio Sharing. And as always, AirPods Pro magically connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch, and sound moves seamlessly when you switch between your favorite Apple devices.